Real America’s Voice and Host of “Law and Border” Ben Bergquam was in New Mexico recently to expose what he referred to as a “Border wall graveyard.”
The Biden/Harris regime has left millions of dollars of unused border wall material in the desert to go to waste.
Even worse, millions of dollars of border wall material have been sold for pennies on the dollar instead of being used to secure our country.
"This is one of the few large border wall graveyards still left," Bergquam said.
"Hundreds of millions of your tax dollars wasted, rotting out in the sun because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Everything they have told you about the border is a lie," Bergquam continued.
"Four years, they lied to you and told you that it was President Trump's fault. Four years they allowed the wall that President Trump was putting up to rot out here in the desert. Everything they've told you is a lie," Bergquam continued.
"This is the stuff they couldn't sell. Most of it they did at pennies on the dollar. There are massive yards like this all along our southern border. They got rid of most of it so you wouldn't see it," Bergquam said.
"And now after four years of allowing our country to be invaded, Kamala Harris has the nerve to say she wants to build a border wall," Bergquam said.
If this doesn’t make you mad, you’re not not an American. One of the few massive border wall graveyards left exposed in New Mexico. This is what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden think of border security. Please help wake your friends and neighbors up. This November is the life or… pic.twitter.com/JPCknAd8mI
— Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) September 8, 2024
Last year, TGP reported that the Biden regime sold border material for pennies on the dollar. $300 million worth of border wall material for only $2 million.
On day one – The Biden regime opened the US southern border on day one of the administration. They also ended all construction of the Trump border wall on the US Southern Border.
To make matters worse, Biden had a worthless Executive Order back in June which does nothing to stop the flow of illegals. He actually took 94 executive actions to dismantle Trump's secure border.
After Biden was ousted as the nominee, Kamala now acts like she supports having a secure border. She had three and a half years to fix the problem.
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