Friday 14 June 2024

House Republicans Subpoena Biden Officials Over ‘Partisan’ Effort To ‘Tilt’ 2024 Election

 House Republicans subpoenaed 15 top Biden officials on Thursday over concerns that the administration may be implementing a partisan “scheme” to benefit Democrats in the 2024 election.

House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI) sent out the subpoenas, which ask for documentation on plans made in response to an executive order from President Joe Biden. The order called for the heads of federal agencies to develop plans to “promote voter registration and voter participation.” The heads of agencies were told to create “strategic plans” for how their specific agency would increase voting and voter turnout. 

“Elections are partisan, but our election administration should never be partisan. Allowing federal employees from the Biden Administration to flood election administration sites threatens election integrity and reduces Americans’ confidence,” Steil said. “This Executive Order is another attempt by the Biden Administration to tilt the scales ahead of 2024.”

“I will continue working to provide transparency and accountability on this Administration’s latest scheme as Congress did not appropriate taxpayer funds for partisan activities,” the Wisconsin Republican added. 

The 15 agencies subpoenaed include the Commerce Department, Homeland Security, Defense Department, Justice Department, Education Department, Energy Department, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Interior Department, Labor Department, Office of Management and Budget, State Department, Transportation Department, Treasury Department and Agriculture Department. 

In his letter, Steil said that lawmakers were considering passing a legislative repeal to Biden’s order and needed to see the plans to inform their decision. To comply with the request, the agencies must submit their plans by June 26. 

“As the Committee continues to investigate this issue, the strategic plans and other documents requested will inform the Committee on what additional legislation, if any, needs to be considered to clarify that the NRA does not enable executive branch agencies to focus on voter registration,” Steil wrote. 


He said the committee had several concerns about some of the steps agencies had already taken to implement Biden’s order.

“Over the last few months, some agencies have taken actions that were likely outlined in their strategic plans. Examples include the Department of Education’s new federal work-study requirements, and the Small Business Administration’s entrance into a voter registration agreement with Michigan,” he wrote.

Last month, the House Committee on Small Business subpoenaed the Small Business Administration (SBA) over its alleged efforts to “register Democrat voters” in Michigan. The subpoena came after a collaboration between the SBA and the Michigan state government to register voters was announced.

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