Nothing is normal or acceptable about what is happening in the Red Sea.
US Mired in Military Action While Chinese Merchant Ships Pass Untouched
The failure of the United States to develop a coordinated coalition willing to protect the sea lanes signals several weaknesses.
So is that ship an EU ship or a NATO nation offering the ship to the U.S. coalition? The answer is yes.
The U.S. Navy has a perfect track record (so far) in defending itself and U.S. Flag ships in transit. They are doing heroic work but are running frenetically all over the court in this deadly badminton game. In contrast, Chinese and Russian merchant vessels are passing relatively serenely and unscathed. It appears China and Russia are not paying war risk insurance rates, which drives more cargo to their ships.

China, Iran Have the Momentum in Diplomatic Initiatives
China is deftly moving on diplomatic initiatives. The optic and value proposition are pretty clear; while the United States is flailing at keeping the shipping lanes open, China is very easily able to position itself as the “responsible alternative to the U.S. in the Middle East, just as many are questioning Washington’s long-term commitment to the region,” wrote strategist Peter Singer in a recent op-ed. The Chinese are leveraging the buffer of Iran as plausible deniability that they have anything to do with the Houthis.

Iran, China Project Diplomatic Influence on the Caribbean
Iran is very serious about projecting influence and presence right into America’s front yard of the Caribbean. Iran has plans for its presence around the Panama Canal and has set up naval commands for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in a manner that mimics the American global combatant and functional commands. Iran is ever present in Venezuela and has plans for a naval base there. None of this should be dismissed as unrealistic—Iran is deadly serious about these matters.
The Chinese efforts are much more broadly known, but the Iranian diplomacy campaign in the Americas has succeeded and taken root with totalitarian leaders. The Iranian effort grows while the U.S. State Department focuses on flying alternative lifestyle flags above U.S. Embassies in virtue signaling, which only diminishes the respect for American interests.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken was going to bring back the adults to rebuild the American image in his view. So far, no American diplomacy adults have been sighted, and Iranian and Chinese initiatives are lapping State Department efforts at a brisk pace.
All viewpoints are personal and do not reflect the viewpoints of any organization.
This article first appeared in Epoch Times and was reprinted with permission.
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