Friday 9 February 2024

‘Ought To Be Ashamed’: Fox News Analyst, Faulkner Put Liberal Guest Into Blender For Biden Defense

 Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell and host Harris Faulkner lambasted former New York State Sen. David Carlucci on Friday after he tried to defend President Joe Biden’s mental acuity.

Special counsel Robert Hur declined to pursue criminal charges against Biden despite alleging him having willfully possessed classified information covering important national security matters, according to his report. Hur said Biden, if forced to sit trial, “would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Hur also said it would be “difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.” 

Carlucci tried to defend Biden’s mental state, arguing other leaders, including former President Donald Trump, make gaffes and that ultimately Biden made “honest mistakes” according to his understanding of the report.

“Any Democrat, including you, David, that chooses to come on this channel or any other channel to defend the president ought to be ashamed of yourself. This is a very, very, very serious issue and that special counsel’s report says to me, that if I own a Popeye’s Chicken restaurant Joe Biden wouldn’t be up to the job to be a cashier there. This man has all of our lives in his hand. There is a war in the Middle East now which could turn into World War III,” Caldwell said.

“He could possibly forget a detail and order his generals to do something to put our lives in jeopardy,” Caldwell continued. “We have an open border that terrorists are pouring through. We have drugs that are coming in. We are not in a situation where we can play games with the president of the United States and the fact that you are sitting here saying this is an okay situation for him is not the right approach that any patriot, no matter what political party you are part, of should be saying. It’s disappointing to hear you say that, David. It really is.”

Carlucci said he was more disappointed that the panel was focusing on Biden’s memory mistakes, with Faulkner jumping in to say that Biden couldn’t remember certain details even in his press briefing.

Biden said Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was the “president of Mexico” and also forgot which church parish the rosary he wears in honor of his late son Beau is from.

Faulkner then brought up other gaffes Biden made in recent days.

Faulkner then brought up a recent NBC News poll that found more than 75% of voters have “major or moderate” concerns about Biden’s mental and physical health going into a potential second term.

Carlucci argued that voters shouldn’t focus on a “few gaffes” and occasional misspeaking but rather focus on Biden’s record.

“You should at least be honest enough with the American people. This is the number one cable network in the country. A lot of people are watching you right now,” Caldwell interjected before saying Carlucci should say that maybe it’s time for considerations to be made about Biden and his mental acuity.

Carlucci rejected Caldwell’s assertion before Faulkner ended the panel.

Watch the moment Faulkner exploded on liberal Fox contributor:

Watch Harris Faulkner’s shocked reaction to report on Biden contacting military families:

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