Friday 5 January 2024

U.N. Women’s Group Chooses Male For Its ‘U.K. Champion.’ 17 Women’s Organizations Blast The Decision.

 After a biological male was chosen by U.N. Women U.K. as their first “Champion,” 17 British organizations fired off a letter slamming the U.N. for ignoring actual women in their selection.

The letter said that Munroe Bergdorf, appointed U.N. Women’s U.K. champion in November, had “resigned as an adviser on LGBT+ to the UK Labour Party after previous homophobic and racist posts on social media were revealed. These included saying that ‘all white people’ are ‘violent racists and ‘f*** you, stupid dirty and smelly n****’. There are numerous examples of homophobic messaging, using expressions like ‘f*****’ and ‘old poof,’ ‘hairy barren lesbian’ and ‘barren…hairy d****.’”

“In a separate incident, Bergdorf was dropped as an ambassador to a children’s charity, Childline, because of inappropriate messages which were counter to safeguarding norms,” the letter added.

“This person has objected to women making references to our female bodies,” the letter stated. “Yet many issues affecting women, such as FGM, child marriage and forced marriage, reproductive rights, male violence against women and girls, rape as a war crime, pregnancy and maternity healthcare, and more, are inextricably linked with our female biology. How can this person be a champion of women if these issues are deemed unmentionable?”


At the time the appointment was announced, Bergdorf said, “I’m incredibly proud to step into my new role as a U.N. Women U.K Champion. Working with the UN has been a personal ambition and dream of mine ever since I started working in the activism space over a decade ago,” adding how “rare” it is that “we get to see transgender people have a seat or voice at these tables.”

U.N. Women, which says of itself that it “is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women,” adding it focuses on four strategic priorities, including “All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence,” finally condemned the horrific rapes and murder of Israeli women committed by Hamas in the October 7 massacre nearly two months after the carnage, issuing a statement on December 1, 55 days after the massacre.

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