Thursday 21 December 2023

Exclusive: Coast Guard Suspects ‘Migrant Landing’ In Malibu, Second In Weeks On California Coast

 The United States Coast Guard is aware of a potential landing of illegal immigrants on the shores of Malibu, California, a wealthy beach city where a boat remains washed up on the shore, according to exclusive photos obtained by The Daily Wire.

The photos of a boat that was found in Malibu on December 20 show that a panga boat, commonly used for human smuggling, was found in the Latigo Shores area of Malibu on Tuesday morning and remains on the beach next to some of the most expensive real estate in the United States.

Pictures also show several tanks which appear to have been used to store fuel, as well as a portion of a motor that appears to have broken off the back of the vessel.

A Coast Guard representative told The Daily Wire that it is looking into the case as a “possible migrant landing,” while a representative of the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station, an affiliate of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, said it reported the incident to Customs and Border Patrol.

The finding comes just weeks after a video was released showing illegal immigrants disembarking a boat and fleeing after landing on the beach in Malibu, less than a mile from the home of celebrities like Barbara Streissand. Over two dozen illegal immigrants were reportedly on the boat and it is not clear if they were apprehended.

The upscale beach community is located over 100 miles north of America’s southern border with Mexico and is home to about 10,000 residents, as well as the Pepperdine University, which houses thousands of students.

Illegal border crossings have surged to record-breaking highs under the Biden administration, with an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways being recorded since Biden took office in 2021. There were 415,000 total reported gotaways for 2018, 2019, and 2020 under the Trump administration.

Over 2.1 million foreign nationals have been apprehended at the border only to be released into the interior of the country with court dates as late as 2035One poll from CBS News found that an overwhelming majority of voters, 66%, said that they disapprove of President Biden’s handling of immigration, while just 34% said that they approve.

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