Wednesday 11 October 2023

Israeli Parents Warned To Remove Social Media From Kids’ Phones As Hamas Plans To Release Hostage Videos

 Israeli parents are reportedly being warned to remove TikTok and Instagram apps from their children’s mobile phones as Hamas intends to release videos of Israelis taken hostage begging for their lives.

On Sunday, Israel Minister for Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer told CNN that Americans were among the hostages taken by Hamas. “I think it’s scores of hostages,” Dermer said. “I can tell you there’s also American hostages as part of that number as well. … These were women, they’re children, they’re elderly; they’re Holocaust survivors. This is sick. It’s a savage attack.”

At least 150 Israelis were taken hostage, The New York Times reported, adding that an Israeli military spokesman said on Tuesday that families of at least 50 Israelis had been informed members of their families had been taken hostage.

Yoni Asher, who saw video of his wife and two young daughters taken by Hamas, said, “My two little girls, they’re only babies. They’re not even five years old and three years old.”

Abu Obeida, a Hamas spokesman, claimed the terrorist group had hidden “dozens of hostages” in “safe places and the tunnels of the resistance.”


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said of talk of hostages, “This file will be not be opened until the end of the battle.”

The utter barbarity of Hamas was already evident in videos the terrorist group had released even before news broke on Tuesday that Hamas terrorists had slaughtered at least 40 babies and decapitated some of them.

Israeli military forces reportedly discovered at least 40 babies that were brutally murdered by Palestinian terrorists in a kibbutz in southern Israel after they drove the terrorists out of the area.

Israeli-based i24 News correspondent Nicole Zedeck, reporting from Kfar Aza, said it was “hard to even explain exactly the mass casualties that happened right here.”

Zedeck said she saw “baby cribs thrown to the side” and “strollers left behind” after upwards of 70 terrorists stormed the community on Saturday, slaughtering entire families and taking numerous hostages. In a kibbutz, babies are typically all housed together in one nursery.

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