As reported on Friday, the United Nations failed to pass a Canadian amendment to condemn the barbaric slaughter of 1,400 Jews by Hamas on October 7, 2023 in southern Israel.
Hamas murdered 1,400 civilians in a surprise attack including 300 kids at a rave party. Then they took 229 hostages, including 30 children and several women and senior citizens.
After the vote failed the assembly then all cheered their vote.
They are applauding cold-blooded mass murder.
We need to defund the wicked organization.
On Saturday Czech Defense Minister called on the Czech Republic to leave the United Nations following the grotesque display of anti-Semitism by the General Assembly.

Jana Černochová: (translated) I know that today is an important day for and we want to celebrate our 105th anniversary of the Republic. But this simply cannot be time-barred, forgive me. Exactly 3 weeks ago, Hamas murdered more than 1400 Israelis, which is more victims per their population than the militant Islamist organization al-Qaeda murdered on 9/11/2001 in the USA. And only 14 countries, including ours, stood up against the unprecedented terrorist attack committed by Hamas terrorists, clearly and comprehensibly! I am ashamed of the UN. In my opinion – the Czech Republic has nothing to expect in an organization that supports terrorists and does not respect the basic right to self-defense. Let’s get out.
Vím, že je dnes významný den pro a chceme slavit naše 105 výročí republiky. Ale tímto se prostě nedá promlčet, promiňte mi to. Přesně před 3 týdny Hamas vyvraždil více než 1400 Izraelců, což je na jejich počet obyvatel více obětí, než zavraždila militantní islamistické… pic.twitter.com/gd1hk8vdZU
— Jana Černochová (@jana_cernochova) October 28, 2023
Finally, a political leader with moral clarity and guts.
Thank you, Jana!
Via Hillel Neuer.
BREAKING: Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová has just called to leave the UN for cheering Hamas terrorists. “Exactly 3 weeks ago, Hamas murdered over 1400 Israelis, more victims for their population than the militant Islamist organization al-Qaeda murdered in the US on… pic.twitter.com/ocfqKmtrQw
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) October 28, 2023
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