Thursday 12 October 2023

Dan Crenshaw accused of 'intentionally' assaulting reporter who called him a 'parasite' outside Capitol

 Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) was filmed allegedly "tripping" a reporter who was questioning him in Washington, D.C., about comparisons being made between him and the late Senator John McCain.

Crenshaw was walking outside the Capitol when he was approached by reporters from the outlet National File. The outlet described Patrick Howley, senior reporter for National File, and publisher Noel Fritsch as the two men who were heard on a recording questioning the congressman. 

The Texas Republican immediately referred to the group as "miscreants" as they began hurling questions at him.

"There's usually not that many of you little miscreants," Crenshaw said in response to a question about the House vote for speaker.

"The miscreants are taking back this town, my friend," Howley replied.

“How do you like the moniker McCain that you got – McCain 2.0?” Fritsch then asked.

“There is usually less of you, kind of like dirtbag bottom —" Crenshaw trailed off before jokingly lunging toward the cameraman, shouting, "Be careful."

“America really hates you, dude. You know that?” Fritsch asked. “You’re aware?”

“You guys should get a job,” said Crenshaw, turning to one of the other men. Fritsch then called Crenshaw a "parasite" who is "part of the parasite class." 

"You're not doing a good job walking backwards, you're gonna fall," Crenshaw later said as the group crossed a street. "You little bottom feeders have a good day; we're going to go inside now," he continued as the group approached a set of steps.

At this point Crenshaw then "allegedly intentionally assaulted [the] National File publisher," the outlet wrote, adding that the video showed "Congressman Dan Crenshaw tripping National File publisher Noel Fritsch as he attempted to evade questions, injecting a physical dimension into the contentious debate over party leadership."

“Careful. Don’t be an idiot,” Crenhsaw can be heard saying after the reporter stumbled. “What’s it like being an emasculated little turd?” the congressman added.

Republicans were in the midst of a tense day of voting for a new House speaker after Kevin McCarthy was removed from office. At the time, Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise had just received 113 votes during a closed-door meeting, while Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio received 99.

Both Howley and National File contributor Charles Downs confirmed to TimCast that Fritsch planned to file a police report about the incident.

Rep. Crenshaw's office did not immediately reply to request for comment, but this story will be updated with any official statements that are provided.


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