Thursday 5 October 2023

ADL ends dispute with Elon Musk and resumes ads on X despite claiming it has 'serious issue with antisemites and other extremists'

 The Anti-Defamation League released a statement Wednesday announcing that it would resume running advertisements on X, formerly Twitter, despite claiming the platform has a "serious issue with antisemites and other extremists."

Last month, Elon Musk threatened to file a defamation lawsuit against the ADL, claiming that it had caused massive ad revenue losses and pressured X to suspend certain accounts based on "unfounded accusations." 

"To clear our platform's name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony!" Musk wrote on X in September.

The ADL caused X's value to drop by roughly $22 billion after it accused the platform of being "anti-Semitic," according to Musk.

"Advertisers avoid controversy, so all that is needed for ADL to crush our US & European ad revenue is to make unfounded accusations," he explained. "This 'controversy' causes advertisers to 'pause,' but that pause is permanent until ADL gives the green light, which they will not do without us agreeing to secretly suspend or shadowban any account they don't like." 

Musk claimed that the ADL pressured X to ban Libs of TikTok, an account operated by Chaya Raichik, a conservative Jewish woman, over alleged anti-Semitic posts. 

The ADL released a statement this week explaining that it would once again continue advertising on X but still maintained that the platform has a problem with "hateful ideas."

"As we have noted in our research over the past several years, X – along with other social media platforms – has a serious issue with antisemites and other extremists using these platforms to push their hateful ideas and, in some cases, bully Jewish and other users," the ADL's statement read in part.

It noted that "more needs to be done" to prevent hate speech on the social media site. The organization said it "will credit X as it moves in that direction, and we also will call it out when it has not."

The ADL further denied any allegations presented by Musk that it had a negative impact on X's ad revenue.

"To be clear, any allegation that ADL has somehow orchestrated a boycott of X or caused billions of dollars of losses to the company or is 'pulling the strings' for other advertisers is false," the statement continued. "Indeed, we ourselves were advertising on the platform until the anti-ADL attacks began a few weeks ago. We now are preparing to do so again to bring our important message on fighting hate to X and its users."

Musk shared the ADL's statement on X and thanked the organization.

"Thank you for clarifying that you support advertising on X," he wrote. "And also very much appreciate that ADL has bought advertising on X."

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