Friday 13 October 2023

5.7 million non-detained migrants in US, ICE reports — ‘at a minimum’; taxpayer-funded program will provide medical services, housing

 There are currently approximately 5.7 million non-detained migrants residing in the United States, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement documents first reviewed by the New York Post.

The ICE documents detail a taxpayer-funded program called Release and Reporting Management that aims to “at a minimum,” provide the migrants with medical services, food, clothing, housing, and multiple other benefits.

Within the documents, the agency admitted that it is currently tasked with monitoring nearly 6 million migrants in the country.

The RRM program aims to provide services for “a large portion of the 5.7 million individuals on the current non-detained docket.” Prior to Biden’s presidency, ICE oversaw 2.4 million fewer migrants.

ICE’s estimate does not include migrants currently being detained for processing at the border or those awaiting deportation.

It noted that “community services” include “referrals or direct services, covering at a minimum: legal assistance; psychosocial services; therapeutic services; medical services; food and clothing banks; housing; public transportation information; parental information; education information; and repatriation and reintegration services.”

“These services are designed to increase participant compliance with immigration obligations through information, stabilization, and support,” ICE continued. “Services will be individualized to each participant’s needs and may range from basic referrals to intensive direct assistance.”

The program seeks to partner with private companies that offer “robust monitoring technology,” including check-in phone calls with biometric voiceprint, smartphone biometric facial comparison, geolocation information, and ankle monitors.

Former ICE Director Tom Homan told the Post the program would likely cost taxpayers “billions” to provide migrants with “welfare” benefits.

“The RRM is just a push by the open border advocates to provide welfare benefits to 6 million people,” Homan stated.

“They’re going to give legal assistance to illegal aliens at the taxpayer’s expense to fight the government,” he continued.

The agency sent a request for information form to private companies in August to assess their interest in participating in the program, the Post reported. The administration has not yet launched the program and is still in the planning phase. In fiscal year 2024, Biden’s ICE aims to send a request for proposal to vendors.

The new program would replace ICE’s Alternatives to Detention initiative, which is tracking only 194,632 migrants via GPS or other technology, according to ICE. The new program would “require additional funding.”

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