Wednesday 20 September 2023

Video: State trooper performs PIT maneuver on wrong car during high-speed chase

An Arkansas state trooper used a PIT maneuver on the wrong car during a high-speed chase earlier this month, WREG-TV reported.

What are the details?

The station, citing Arkansas State Police, said troopers were pursuing two vehicles traveling over 100 miles per hour on Interstate 40 in St. Francis County on Sept. 10 when one trooper performed the PIT maneuver on a car that wasn't involved. 

Turns out, one of the vehicles being pursued as well as the vehicle that the trooper erroneously stopped both are white, four-door sedans, WREG reported, citing state police.

The driver and passenger of the car mistakenly stopped weren't injured and declined medical treatment, the station said.

The trooper, Cpl. Thomas Hubbard, submitted his letter of retirement after Arkansas State Police began conducting an internal review, WREG said, adding that he hasn't been on duty since the incident.

Here's the dashcam video. The ill-fated PIT maneuver occurs just before the 2-minute mark: 

How are folks reacting?

Commenters reacting to the WREG story published on Yahoo News had a thing or two to say about the PIT maneuver faux pas:

  • "Retired with benefits to avoid chance of being fired for cause and losing benefits," one commenter surmised.
  • "Once again, they allowed a cop to retire instead of facing the music," another commenter noted. "THAT practice needs to stop."
  • "Sounds like someone in a white sedan will be receiving a large check," another commenter predicted.
  • "Before you judge this man, be in his shoes at a high rate of speed," another commenter countered. "Yes, the cars may have looked the same, it happens; how many times have you [gone] to the wrong car by mistake in a mall parking lot? ... Well, imagine [that] at 100 m.p.h. — or better, being a police office[r], you go from [zero] to hero in second[s]."

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