Thursday 7 September 2023

Rolling Stone Forced To Issue Correction On Article Claiming Nazis Support DeSantis

 The left-wing magazine Rolling Stone was forced to issue a correction this week in a report that falsely portrayed a group of purported neo-Nazis in Florida as being supporters of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

The article highlighted a small group of approximately two dozen individuals dressed in Nazi paraphernalia who marched in Orlando, Florida, over the weekend shouting obscenities.

The original article stated that one member of the crowd said, “We’re all DeSantis supporters! We like Ron DeSantis.”

However, what the article did not include was that the same person then immediately attacked DeSantis, meaning he was kidding with his previous remarks.

“F*** Ron DeSantis! Ron DeSantis is a joke,” the person said. “Ron DeSantis is a joke.”

The correction from Rolling Stone stated:

The original version of this article quoted a marcher as saying, “We’re all DeSantis supporters!” without including his second remark, “F*** Ron DeSantis! Ron DeSantis is a joke. Ron DeSantis is a joke.” The story has been updated.

Some of the extremists in the crowd wore nazi swastikas or held swastika flags.


Rolling Stone faced widespread backlash online over their story and their post on X, formerly known as Twitter, and were later forced to delete the social media post.

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