Sunday 24 September 2023

Nikki Haley Takes Shot At Trump: ‘Weak In The Knees When It Comes To Ukraine’

 Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley took a shot at her former boss on Friday, former President Donald Trump, calling him “weak in the knees” for not wanting to do more to support Ukraine and calling him “thin-skinned and easily distracted.”

“He was the right president at the right time,” Haley told an audience at the Portsmouth Rotary Club Meeting. “He broke things that needed to be broken. He listened and brought in a group of people who felt unheard. He was strong on foreign policy and getting America respected in the world.”

The former South Carolina governor then pivoted to attacking Trump.

“He was thin-skinned and easily distracted,” Haley said. “He didn’t do anything on fiscal policy and really spent a lot of money, and we are all paying the price for it. He did a better job than Biden on the border. He used to be good on foreign policy and now he has started to walk it back and get weak in the knees when it comes to Ukraine.”

A Fox News poll from last month found that 56% of Republicans say the U.S. should be sending less support to Ukraine. A CNN poll also from last month found that 55% of Americans say Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine.

The Trump Campaign fired back at Haley, telling The Daily Wire: “It’s silly that anyone who is polling as low as left-leaning corporate media should be lecturing anyone about leadership.”


“There’s only one person who can end the killing and bring peace — President Trump,” said Trump Campaign Spokesman Steven Cheung. “America isn’t going to listen to anyone who wants more war, more bloodshed, and more innocent people being killed.”

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