Friday 22 September 2023

Fox Biz Reporter: ‘How Many People Coming Into This Country Illegally Is Enough For President Biden?’

 Fox Business’ Edward Lawrence cornered White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during Thursday’s briefing, challenging her directly on the record numbers of illegal immigrants who continue to flood the southern border.

Lawrence pressed Jean-Pierre on the issue several times, asking just how many President Joe Biden intended to allow before he pushed his own administration to do anything about it.


“How many people coming into this country illegally is enough for President Biden then?” Lawrence asked, and Jean-Pierre asked him to repeat the question.

“How many people come — how many people illegally coming into the United States is enough for President Biden’s administration?” Lawrence asked again.

“I don’t — what do you —” Jean-Pierre appeared to struggle with her answer.

“Well, five —” Lawrence tried again.

“— Enough for what?” Jean-Pierre continued.


Lawrence tried again: “— 5.9 million people have been encountered illegally.”

“I know the numbers, but enough for what?” Jean-Pierre asked.

“Enough — just to stop the flow,” Lawrence replied.

Jean-Pierre pivoted back to her regular talking points on the U.S.-Mexico border, saying that the immigration system had been “broken” since long before President Biden took office — and blaming Republicans for not rolling over and accepting the Biden administration’s approach to border security.

“As I mentioned, a problem that’s been around for some time now — for decades, a broken system. The president has done everything and is going to continue what — to do what he can without the help of some Republicans in Congress to deal with this issue,” she said. “Look, we are going to continue to implement a strategy that is humane, that is safe, and that is orderly. … That is a promise you can see from this president. Again, GOP, the Republicans, put up a continuing resolution that actually reverses the work that [Biden] is trying to do. Makes the situation worse, that’s what they were trying to push … [R]ight now, the President is doing it on his own.”

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin directly refuted Jean-Pierre’s claims, saying that those crossing the border illegally “don’t have a fear” of any negative repercussions and absolutely believed that the southern border was “open.”

“I’ve made notes on what [KJP] has said at that — at the podium before. She has falsely stated that they ‘reduced illegal immigration by 90%.’ She said that ‘nobody is walking across the river.’ That is also false,” Melugin said. “She said they are ‘stopping the flow.’ That is also false. And … she said President Biden has done more than anybody to secure the border. I’ll — you know, our viewers can decide the answer, but the numbers have never been higher. Border Patrol agent morale has never been lower.”

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