Tuesday 12 September 2023

EXCLUSIVE: Odessa To Ban Bureaucrats From Imposing Second Round Of COVID Lockdowns

 The Odessa City Council in Texas is set to introduce a resolution banning the enforcement of any mask mandates, business lockdowns or vaccine mandates in the city, the Daily Caller has learned.

The move comes after State Representative Brian Harrison’s bill, “Texas COVID Vaccine Freedom Act,” failed in the House in June 2023. Harrison refiled the bill after it originally failed in October 2021.

The new resolution, which bans the enforcement of both federal and state-level lockdowns, is set to be adopted Tuesday evening and will take effect immediately, elected officials tell the Daily Caller. 

“[A] person may not take an adverse action or impose a penalty of any kind against an individual lawfully residing in this City for the individual’s refusal or failure to obtain a medical treatment involving the administration of a vaccine,” the resolution reads, according to text reviewed by the Caller.

“This is to maintain our freedoms that we have not already lost,” Odessa City Council Member Chris Hanie told the Caller in a statement. “When we impose actions for the greater good, it’s important to remember that our bodies are our own.”

“Some people have expressed concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine, citing cases of heart failure in children. Additionally, a recent study from Johns Hopkins suggests that masks might not be as effective as initially thought. They could not stop the virus.”

study from 2022 is said to have found lockdowns had little to no positive effect on the mortality rate of the COVID-19 virus. Others say the study does not have the credibility some claim, since it wasn’t really John Hopkins University itself that put out the study, but a single John Hopkins professor who worked on the study.

“Texans should be leading the fight against COVID tyranny, but since Texas House Leadership made the shocking decision to keep COVID vaccine mandates in Texas, I’m proud to partner with local officials to help deliver medical freedom for everyone in Odessa,” Texas state representative Brian Harrison said in a statement to the Caller. 

Harrison’s former bill would have banned COVID vaccine mandates for both public and private entities. It would also prohibit companies from requiring that a employee receive the vaccine.

“With Biden trying to bring back COVID tyranny, hopefully this will inspire all elected Republicans to fight back,” Harrison said.

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