Sunday 10 September 2023

Chicago rideshare driver brutally beaten and carjacked by three women

 A violent attack took place in broad daylight in Chicago's Chinatown, where an Uber driver was assaulted by three women with a pipe. The horrific incident was caught on police surveillance video.

Footage of the attack was captured at the intersection of 22nd Place and Princeton Avenue. Danxin Shi, 62, recently spoke out about the incident. He had just arrived home when he was brutally assaulted and had his car keys stolen, according to WFLD

Shi said he had parked his car and walked out, and when he started to move toward his apartment, "three Black females jump on me, hold me, and grab me and took my car key."

The surveillance footage showed two women force Shi to the ground, and then a third woman eventually joins in the assault. One of the three women can also be seen wielding a pipe and striking Shi with it.

After the women attacked Shi, they reportedly took his car keys and got into his vehicle. Despite Shi attempting to stop them by climbing on the hood of the vehicle, the women sped away with his car. 

"I tried to block them, but I can't because they're starting the car," Shi said. 

The report stated that Shi is in good spirits, but he suffered scrapes and bruising as a result of the alarming attack.

Mike Poppish, of the Chicago Police Department's 9th District, said: "He is a brave man, that’s sometimes what we need as a police department, is people that are not afraid to step forward and tell their story."

Community activist Andrew Holmes asked members of the community to come forward with any information they might have in the attack, including the identity of the assailants.

"This is somebody’s grandfather, somebody’s father, somebody’s uncle, but [the vehicle] hasn’t been recovered yet, he worked to get this car, he earned this car, you didn’t so what do you want it for," Holmes said.

"To the mothers and fathers of these young ladies, if you see this on TV, you know this is your daughter, your family, you know this is her, turn them in."

Holmes has apparently said there is a $1,000 reward for any information that leads to the arrests of the three women.

Earlier this summer, a report suggested carjackings in Chicago have significantly decreased compared to last year, but the frequency of car thefts has soared during the same period.

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