Tuesday 26 September 2023

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland bans radical LGBT ideologies in 97 elementary schools and 10 high schools across 8 counties

 The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland formally banned 97 elementary schools and 10 high schools with approximately 42,000 students in eight counties from participating in "radical LGBT ideology." This new policy also covers their employees, personnel, volunteers and youth.

The "Parish and School Policy on Issues of Sexuality and Gender Identity" was signed on Aug. 30 and took effect on Sept. 1. The diocese has started notifying parents about "gender confusion," prohibiting the use of "preferred pronouns," using bathrooms and facilities and wearing clothes based on their biological sex, restricting the celebration of sexual orientations contrary to Catholic Church teachings, prohibiting attempted social, chemical and surgical gender transition and banning altering school records based on their preferred sex.

According to the diocese, the policy, signed by Chancellor Vincent Gardiner and Bishop Edward Malesic, was intended to clarify its stance on LGBT ideology within the school system. The diocese explained: "The Church, through divine revelation, has been given the gift of knowing that the human person is a unity of both body and soul and that, body and soul, each person is created in God's image."

"Our bodies, created male and female, are part of God's intentional design in creation and are, therefore, imbued with meaning and purpose. As stewards of these gifts, we are called to accept, love and care for our bodies as they were created. Catholic institutions, therefore, are called to act and speak in ways that are consistent with and affirming of this divinely revealed truth."

However, the diocese still sympathizes with those dealing with gender confusion by allowing some exceptions like using single-stall bathrooms and nicknames for their gender, as long as it doesn't hide their biological sex. Additionally, they can attend parish services and dance classes alone or with same-sex friends.

But the diocese also confirmed that people who openly disagree with its teachings about sex, sexuality and gender in an inappropriate or scandalous way may face restrictions or disciplinary action. They still believe that the idea of separating gender from one's natural body goes against God's plan and human nature.

More and more bills are passed to protect children from LGBT's sick ideologies

Years after LGBT ideology became a trend in the U.S., more and more conservative states and institutions are now starting to pass laws and create bills that would protect children from these sick ideologies.  

In June, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed four new laws that restrict sexually explicit books in school libraries to improve the school curriculum and ensure transparency and parental involvement in current issues.

One of these laws, House Bill 900, restricts sexually explicit materials in school libraries and requires books to be rated based on sexual content. Books labeled as "sexually explicit" will be removed from shelves, and those labeled as "sexually relevant" require parental permission for students to check out.

Another law, House Bill 1605, grants parents the right to review instructional materials and guarantees teachers have all the necessary teaching materials. The other two laws address special needs support for parents and grant parents the authority to decide if their children should repeat a grade in certain situations.

Meanwhile, in May, the highly anticipated "pride" celebration in Tampa was canceled after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation granting state business regulators the authority to impose fines, suspend, or revoke licenses for public lodging and food service establishments that admit children to adult live performances.

DeSantis has introduced several contentious legislative measures, including bans on transgender drugs and surgeries for minors and restrictions on men competing in women's sports. As he signed the latest bill in May, he emphasized the importance of protecting children from exposure to explicit content.

In February, the Florida Board of Medicine (FBM) and the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine (FBOM) approved the restrictions of puberty-blocking hormones and gender-affirming surgeries for minors by removing exceptions to a clinical trial at the order of DeSantis.

"We're protecting kids, and we're going to protect kids when it's popular. We'll protect kids even when you take some incoming as a result of maybe offending some ideologies or some agendas out there, but that's fine," he stated.

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