Saturday 16 September 2023

Bodily Mutilation. Fat Liberation. Is This The Wokest Soap Brand In The Nation?

 Is Dove soaps trying to be the wokest brand of them all?

From pushing radical gender ideology onto kids, to throwing their weight behind an emerging field known as “fat liberation,” Dove — which is owned by the British-company Unilever — is making waves for all the wrong reasons.

For example, on Thursday, The Daily Wire reported that Dove has now teamed up with BLM activist Zyahna Bryant to advance “size freedom.” 

Bryant, some readers might remember, became infamous for effectively ruining a white girl’s life based on something Bryant later admitted she didn’t actually hear and the woman never actually said. 

Nowadays, she’s apparently such a hot commodity that international brands are dying to work with her to support certain causes. As explained by Bryant, she believes, “that we should be centering the voices and experiences of the most marginalized people and communities at all times.” 

If you don’t do that, presumably, then you’re discriminating against people of size like Bryant — which hampers their success, or something. 

And you thought you were just being sold a bar of soap!  


Jeremy’s wants to sell you woke-free products, but certain corporations want to sell you a crash course into the victimhood mentality that has consumed the Left. 

That ideology is so pervasive that even buying soap has to be politicized. In fact, if you buy from brands like Dove, your money goes to support woke causes and partner with organizations that support different forms of legislation. Dove proudly acknowledges this. 

“So when I think about what fat liberation looks like, to me, it looks like centering the voices and the experiences of those who live and who maneuver through spaces and institutions in a fat body,” Bryant explained in one video, while explaining that makes Dove a perfect partner in that fight. 

 Here’s who we’re dealing with, so readers can get a good sense of the gravity of the situation:

What does any of that have to do with personal hygiene? Well, nothing. 

It has everything to do with Dove forcing its values onto you as a consumer.

Indeed, it’s not the first time that Dove has advocated far-Left ideas under the guise of “body positivity.” 

In June 2021, for example, Dove rolled out a new initiative called “Proud To Be Me,” a “new body positivity tool for LGBTQ+ youth, brought to you by the Dove Self-Esteem Project.”

“Let’s help the young people in our lives feel confident and proud of who they are,” Dove’s website confidently states.

That “tool” was targeted at kids between the ages of 11 – 14 and focused on LGBTQ acceptance. It encouraged individuals to host group conversations with children about sex-changes and sexual orientation.

In the FAQ portion of that document, “leaders” of such conversations were provided an answer to the question, “How do I facilitate the discussion around gender dysphoria and body change vs. acceptance?” 

“Leaders should speak to the fact that the way we choose to express ourselves in the world is a personal decision and there are many options for how people choose to do this,” the document said.

What sort of “options”? Oh, you know, just the life-altering ones with long-lasting and often irreversible consequences:

(…if someone is considering/has questions about body change, highlight that there are many options including choosing clothing that makes you feel good/comfortable, wearing clothing items like binders, etc. Other people may take hormones and others may choose to get some form of surgery.) (Emphasis added.)

Of course, one has to wonder how Dove can advocate “accepting” your whole body, while also letting minors know that castration and foregoing puberty might make them “proud”  — but that matters not to the woke.

What matters most to woke corporations is perpetuating the notion that power in society is built upon the oppressed vs. the oppressor.

So, in this case, it seems the message from Dove is that, if you’re fat, you will never find contentment unless society changes for you. Losing weight is not an option. Everybody else must change.

If you’re a child who thinks you should be in a different body — make it happen. Only those opposed to your well-being would discourage it, Dove seems to want consumers to believe.

Again, this is a soap company we’re talking about — not the Gender Studies Program at Oberlin College.  

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