Sunday 13 August 2023

‘Trans Widow’ Details Dark Side Of Ideology In Interview With Michael Knowles

 A Texas woman named Tracy Shannon, dubbed a “trans widow,” details real consequences of the transgender movement during a sit-down interview released Saturday with Daily Wire host Michael Knowles.

Shannon says her family was torn apart when her husband tossed aside his family — including his three children — to fully embrace his cross-dressing sexual fetish and live a transgender lifestyle.

Shannon told Knowles that her husband, whom she was married to for 15 years, declined to tell her before their nuptials that he enjoyed cross-dressing. When she found out about the fetish around four years into the marriage, Shannon made it clear she was uncomfortable with such behavior. But her husband refused to stop.

At one point in the discussion, Shannon revealed that her then-husband wanted to breastfeed their daughter, claiming he was trying to “help” Shannon.

“He offered to breastfeed her,” she recalled. “He kept bringing it up, like, pressuring me. I said, ‘No,’ [and he’d say,] ‘I can help you.’ It was always, ‘I’m helping you,’ and ‘I’m trying to understand you and trying to give you a break.'” 

Shannon also recalled her now-ex-husband similarly explaining that he wanted to “understand” her by fashioning himself a fake pregnancy belly with extremely large breasts. She says he walked around the house, in front of their children, with the accessory on while doing Shannon’s “chores,” despite numerous protests to stop.

“My son, who was very disturbed by this, actually went and destroyed that thing with a pair of scissors,” she told Knowles. 

Her ex-husband, Shannon says, was even secretly taking cross-sex hormones during their marriage. To throw Shannon off the scent, he told her he was sprouting little breasts as a side effect of OCD medication that he was taking to lessen his urge to crossdress. Shannon also said he had affairs with people online.


When the pair moved forward with the divorce, and Shannon said her experiences with the courts in Texas, a state viewed as one of the most conservative in the nation, would shock most people.

She said most days in court started with debate over “preferred pronouns.” She also said she initially had to share custody of the pair’s three children, which she thought was not in the best interest of the children given her ex’s lifestyle.

During the pair’s marriage, Shannon was a stay-at-home mother who homeschooled their children. She said she received only $500 a month from her ex, though he made a good living and brought in six figures. Shannon says she was left “broke,” and had to move back in with her parents.

She also noted that a court signed off on a request to stop Shannon from homeschooling their children. The kids were then forced into public school.

Most disturbingly, Shannon explained the toll her ex-husband’s choices have had on their children. She recalled their “embarrassment,” the alleged abuse they suffered at their father’s home, and revealed that there have been six suicide attempts between her three children with her ex.

“Between the three of them, there have been six suicide attempts of different degrees of seriousness and one hospitalization in a mental health facility for a pretty good period of time, for one,” Shannon told Knowles. 

“And I’m being called the bigot, you know, for not wanting to be on board with all this, for not supporting it,” she added. “We used to protect children, we used to protect the family, and honor the truth.”

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