Wednesday 2 August 2023

Top Republicans Respond To Latest Trump Indictment

 Numerous top Republicans weighed in on Tuesday evening to the latest indictment of former President Donald Trump by questioning the fairness of the Department of Justice.

The 77-year-old former president was charged by a federal grand jury with Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding, Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding, and Conspiracy Against Rights.

Trump responded in a statement calling the indictment a “pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election.”

Aside from Trump, three of the other four top Republican presidential candidates that rank among the top-five responded to Trump’s indictment.

“As President, I will end the weaponization of government, replace the FBI Director, and ensure a single standard of justice for all Americans,” said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. “While I’ve seen reports, I have not read the indictment. I do, though, believe we need to enact reforms so that Americans have the right to remove cases from Washington, D.C., to their home districts.”

“Washington, D.C., is a ‘swamp’ and it is unfair to have to stand trial before a jury that is reflective of the swamp mentality,” he added. “One of the reasons our country is in decline is the politicization of the rule of law. No more excuses—I will end the weaponization of the federal government.”

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said in a statement to The Daily Wire: “I remain concerned about the weaponization of Biden’s DOJ and its immense power used against political opponents. What we see today are two different tracks of justice. One for political opponents and another for the son of the current president. We’re watching Biden’s DOJ continue to hunt Republicans, while protecting Democrats.”


Former Vice President Mike Pence took a shot at Trump in his response, saying: “Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States.”

Pence continued:

I will have more to say about the government’s case after reviewing the indictment. The former president is entitled to the presumption of innocence but with this indictment, his candidacy means more talk about January 6th and more distractions.

As Americans, his candidacy means less attention paid to Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies afflicting millions across the United States and to the pattern of corruption with Hunter.

Our country is more important than one man. Our Constitution is more important than any one man’s career. On January 6th, Former President Trump demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution. I chose the Constitution and I always will.

As your president, I will not yield an inch in defending America, our people, or our values, and I promise you: I will do so in a way consistent with my oath to the Constitution and the character and decency of the American people. We will restore a threshold of integrity and civility in public life so we can bring real solutions to the challenges plaguing our nation.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley did not immediately release a statement. The Daily Wire contacted her team for comment.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) highlighted numerous instances of the Biden DOJ appearing to have different standards of justice for Democrats and Republicans and said that House Republicans “will continue to uncover the truth about Biden Inc. and the two-tiered system of justice.”

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, said in a statement: “The American people have lost faith in Biden’s Justice Department.”

“They are uncomfortable watching the current president weaponize the justice system against his political opponent,” Barrasso added. “The Justice Department’s own flimsy deal to save Biden’s son didn’t even hold up in court.”

“This two-tiered system of justice is wrong,” he concluded. “The country deserves better.”

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