Thursday 17 August 2023

‘Notorious’ Illegal Alien Murderer Arrested In New Hampshire Beach Town

 Earlier this week in the small beach town of Rye, New Hampshire, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement arrested an illegal alien and convicted murderer who fled to the United States from Brazil.

The 29-year-old ex-Brazillian military officer was convicted two months ago for crimes including 11 murders in his home country, mental and physical torture, as well attempted murder over an event known as the “Curio Massacre” that occurred in November 2015. After being tried in absentia, he was sentenced to 275 years in prison in June 2023 by a Brazilian criminal court, according to The Union Leader.

It is unclear how he got into the U.S., but it is believed that the foreign national illegally entered the country in 2019. In turn, Interpol had an active Code Red Alert out for the man following his conviction this year.

In recent months, U.S. authorities had monitored him closely, and on Monday morning, Rye police and ICE agents arrested the murderer while he was working construction at a local home.

Rye Police Chief Kevin Walsh told WMUR 9 that “this was a long-range operation” and involved several law enforcement agencies.

“We’ve been going on for some time,” Walsh added. “And like I said, the federal agency — which are our partners, and we’d like to help them as well as they like to help us — had a well-thought-out methodical plan on how to take this person to custody and where is the best location to do it, and when is the time.”

A fellow construction worker, Sammy Johnson, told WMUR 9 his eye-witness account of the arrest.

“Bam! Flashbang, and military guys, and it’s just like holy moly, you know? So we’re just, you know, ‘Okay, okay, okay! You know? We had nothing to do with it!'” Johnson said. “So, it’s a pretty epic way to start your Monday morning, you know?”


Johnson was shocked that his colleague was allowed into New Hampshire — let alone working.

“It’s just kind of baffling,” he added. “You know, I think for the most part, what was just crazy to me is that he was able to reside in New Hampshire, and have a business.”

The man will now remain in ICE custody as he awaits trial before an immigration judge.

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