Wednesday 2 August 2023

Kayleigh McEnany Explodes On ‘Outnumbered’ Guest Richard Fowler, Corrects Him For Botching Her Name

 “Outnumbered” co-host Kayleigh McEnany exploded on Fox News contributor Richard Fowler on Tuesday after he tried to defend President Joe Biden amidst allegations of foreign influence peddling.

Hunter’s former business associate Devon Archer told Congress Monday that Biden was involved in more than a dozen phone calls with Hunter and his business associates. New York Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman told reporters it was likely that Biden was simply talking about the weather during these calls.

McEnany first argued that the White House tries to use “weather” as a scapegoat for its issues, citing other instances in which Biden’s behavior or policy decisions due to “heavy winds.” She then criticized the media for covering for Biden. 

Co-host Harris Faulkner chimed in, arguing that if Biden is compromised so is the United States in its entirety.

“Perspective here matters,” Fowler jumped in. “Obviously none of us are in that hearing room so we don’t know everything that was said. But there was a couple things that stood out to me right away. Number one, it was 20 calls over 10 years, right? I think that actually matters, so if you do some back of the envelope math that’s two calls every year for 10 years–”

“While vice president,” one host chimed in. 

“No but some of the time he wasn’t vice president. The vice president was the former vice president he was the private citizen and he called his son and his son was at dinner and to be honest with you–”

“But that name is always powerful,” Faulkner chimed in. “That’s how he used it to get into office, that brand.” 

“Sure but Harris it’s also fair to say for every member of Congress, for every Senator, and for everybody who was a legacy admissions who used their parents names to get things and it’s not the parents fault for what they do ie Jared Kushner who used his parents name to get into Harvard University. My point–”

“But I want you to consider the players,” Faulkner interjected as both she and McEnany began to spar with Fowler. “Ukraine and China.”

“You’re talking about Harvard versus Ukraine,” McEnany said.  

“You’ve got to consider the players!” Faulkner said.

“I’m not denying the players, but what the Republican House committee is trying to prove is that the sitting president of the United States engaged in bribery with a foreign country. At this point in time, based on almost at a year of them investigating this, they keep saying there’s smoke, but it could be condensation–”

“But why did Obama officials reportedly warn the current president that what he was doing was shadowy,” McEnany pushed back. 

“Yes! Haley, they warned–” Fowler began to respond before McEnany corrected him.

“Sorry, they warned the vice president about his son’s dealings, there was a justice department investigation that’s still pending, that’s not over –” Fowler said before McEnany jumped in again.

“Would you have done that if you were vice president and Obama officials warned you not to do it?” McEnany asked. 

“Yes,” Fowler said before McEnany asked the question again. “No, I wouldn’t have done it but lets be very clear, this is about his son.”

Fowler went on to cite Hunter’s past drug addiction and current investigation.

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