Monday 14 August 2023

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Blasts Leftist Protesters For Trying To Interrupt DeSantis During Event

 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds slammed left-wing hecklers over the weekend for interrupting her talk with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at the Iowa State Fair.

Reynolds’ shot at the leftists happened during her “Fair-Side Chats” event where she talked with many of the presidential candidates. Former President Donald Trump refused to participate in the event even though he was invited to do so by Reynolds.

“Hey, you know what? We’re in Iowa! And in Iowa we’re ‘Iowa Nice.’ So let’s give everyone the opportunity to hear our candidates,” Reynolds said to the activists who were ringing a cowbell and blowing whistles. “So we’ll stop until you do, but we’re all are going to have an opportunity to hear from each and every candidate.”

Some videos of the incident that circulated on social media were deceptively altered with audio that made it seem like the agitators were Trump supporters who were chanting “we want Trump.”


Reporters who were at the event captured footage of the women who were causing the stir who were wearing t-shirts that said “B***hes Get Stuff Done” and “Be Gay Fund Abortion.”

Law enforcement later got involved and forcibly removed the agitators. “You can enjoy this affair or you can leave!” one officer yelled at the agitators. “We’re not going to do this!”

Reporter Marc Caputo noted that as the leftists tried to interrupt DeSantis, the event organizers just cranked up the sound system to further drown out their disruption.

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