Thursday 10 August 2023

Democrat Cori Bush Slammed Over Tweet About Michael Brown On 9th Anniversary Of His Attack On Cop

 Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) faced backlash online on Wednesday over a false and inflammatory tweet on the ninth anniversary of when Michael Brown attacked a police officer and was subsequently killed when the officer defended himself.

“Today is the 9th anniversary of Mike Brown’s killing,” Bush said. “He would be alive today if the institutions of racism and white supremacy were eradicated. He should be alive today. We will never forget. We will continue to fight for justice and accountability.”

Former President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) concluded that there was no credible evidence to disprove Missouri Police Officer Darren Wilson’s story that he shot Brown after Brown attacked him while he was seated in his police vehicle. The encounter happened after Wilson was called to the area to respond to Brown reportedly stealing from a store and attacking a store clerk.

“Brown’s DNA inside the SUV and on Wilson’s shirt collar and the bullet trajectory and close-range gunshot wound to Brown’s hand, establish that Brown’s arms and/or torso were inside the SUV,” the report said. Brown was 6’5” and weighed nearly 300 pounds.

“As detailed throughout this report, several witnesses stated that Brown appeared to pose a physical threat to Wilson as he moved toward Wilson,” the report added. “According to these witnesses, who are corroborated by blood evidence in the roadway, as Brown continued to move toward Wilson, Wilson fired at Brown in what appeared to be self-defense and stopped firing once Brown fell to the ground.”

Radio host Dana Loesch responded to Bush, “He would be alive today if he had not chosen to steal from a convenience store, resulting in the owner calling police, resulting in police stopping him, at which point Brown CHOSE to attack a cop and try to take his gun — which Eric Holder’s own DOJ concluded with its forensics report. Stop YOUR shameful and racist rewrite of facts.”

“This only goes to show how the Left plays the long game,” said Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh. “The whole Michael Brown narrative has been definitively exposed as a hoax but they will keep repeating it year after year after year until we get tired of correcting it and the truth is forgotten by history.”


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