Tuesday 1 August 2023

CNN: Kamala Harris Wanted To Boost Her National Profile So She Copied Gavin Newsom And Attacked Florida

 Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly wanted to boost her national profile ahead of the 2024 presidential election, so she decided to copy a page out of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s playbook and attack Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

CNN reported that Harris’ team decided to “quickly arrange” a last minute political event in Jacksonville, Florida upon learning that the state’s new African American history curriculum had passed.

Harris’ team has reportedly “marveled” over the fact that her attacks on the curriculum have led to his “opponents” using her attacks “as ongoing fodder for attacks.”

The report comes after Dr. William Allen, former chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and Florida’s African American History Standards Workgroup member, slammed Harris last week over her “lies” about the curriculum after she seized on one sentence from the 216-page outline to make her false claims.

Harris’ team decided to launch the attack because they have “often complained of her being left out of the spotlight and without support by many in the president’s inner circle,” the report said.

“Harris has been quietly noting how other Democrats, including her friend and sometimes rival for attention California Gov. Gavin Newsom, have grabbed the national spotlight by swinging at Republicans aggressively,” the report said. “Aides say she has also been watching the news out of the Republican presidential race and telling Biden aides she wants to be seen as fighting against extremism.”

The report said that “Biden aides lapped up the response and the series of events it set off”, which included attacks by Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott and three black U.S. lawmakers — all of whom have endorsed Trump — on DeSantis and DeSantis’ responses hitting back.

California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has repeatedly attacked DeSantis and has gone as far as to call for investigations into the Florida governor over him sending illegal aliens to blue states and cities.

DeSantis responded to Newsom’s call for a federal investigation by saying that the over-the-top amount of hair gel that Newsom uses was “interfering with his brain function.”

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