Saturday 5 August 2023

Border Patrol Stops Four Illegal Migrant Sex Offenders From Entering U.S. In One Day

 Border Patrol stopped four illegal migrants who are sex offenders, some with convictions of crimes against children, at the southern border in just one day this week.

Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens said in a tweet that agents arrested the four sex offenders on Wednesday.

The four arrested had charges including “sexual abuse of a child,” “rape by force/fear,” “indecency with a child and aggravated sexual assault,” and “indecency with a child, exposes,” Owens said.

Last week, Owens said agents encountered another three sex offenders in a single day along with 10 firearms and two armed subjects.

Owens became head of Border Patrol last month. He frequently tweets out details and pictures of Border Patrol busts, including narcotics seizures, arrests of armed smugglers, and smuggled migrants in tractor trailers.


In December, Border Patrol arrested three sex offender migrants who have abused children and reentered the country after being deported. One had been convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child in Houston in March of last year. Another had been convicted of indecency with a child involving sexual contact and was deported in 2020. The third migrant had been convicted of indecent liberties with a child in North Carolina in 2007 and was deported in 2009.


Amid record high migrant encounters under the Biden administration, sex offender encounters by border authorities have spiked.

In fiscal year 2019, 58 sex offenders were arrested. That number jumped to 156 in 2020 and 488 in 2021.

One Republican congressman from Texas sounded off on the issue in December.

“Border Patrol agents … are doing everything they can to find those sex offenders and those rapists and those murderers and those violent criminals, but they’re being relegated to administrative duties inside some processing center, and they’re not able to actually get out there — not to mention the overwhelming numbers. So it’s just incomprehensible to think this is going on and there’s nothing being done,” Representative August Pfluger (R-TX) told the Washington Examiner.

A record 2.4 million illegal migrants were encountered by border authorities in fiscal year 2022, according to Customs and Border Protection.

The Biden administration has allowed at least 541,000 migrants into the country through the parole authority, which allows the federal government to let in migrants without visas.

Critics also point out the number of gotaways, or migrants who entered the country illegally, but were not apprehended. There were nearly 600,000 migrant gotaways in 2022, according to one report.

Exacerbating the issue is the end of Title 42, a COVID emergency rule that allowed authorities to deport migrants quickly back to Mexico. Title 42 expired on May 11 after several previous attempts by the Biden administration to end it.

Frustrated border states have shipped some of the migrants flooding their border towns to northern states, particularly Democrat-run cities like New York City, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.

In New York, more than 90,000 migrants have arrived in the city since April of last year. As of this month, about 55,000 are still being housed on the city’s dime, causing New York’s homeless shelters to burst at the seams and Mayor Eric Adams to complain about the burden on the city.

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