Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Look At The Whistleblower’s Expression As Dem Rep Becomes Unglued About Slavery During Hunter Biden Hearing

 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower Joe Ziegler looked utterly perplexed as Democratic Pennsylvania Rep. Summer Lee became unglued about slavery during the hearing on Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes.

Whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Ziegler testified before the House Oversight Committee that the Department of Justice (DOJ) pressured prosecutors not to charge Hunter Biden with felony tax charges. In earlier testimony, Ziegler testified Hunter Biden and associates took more than $3 million from Romanian businesses, along with payments from Chinese-linked companies and Ukrainian company Burisma.

Despite the lengthy allegations, Lee decided to focus her statement on slavery, even choosing to relinquish remaining time back to the chairman rather than asking Ziegler a single question about his allegations. 

“Republicans have been invoking this term ‘two-tiered system of justice’ a lot recently so I want to talk about what the real two-tier justice system is where black and brown people are over-criminalized and over-incarcerated … I’d like to address the way my Republican colleagues are attempting to co-opt the phrase ‘two-tiered justice system’ to make it sound like Trump and his cronies are somehow the victims here when the reality is that the term ‘two-tiered system of justice’ is meant to refer to the very real system that exists in the United States and which affects black and brown folks, not powerful former presidents and their political allies,” Lee said.

The congresswoman then listed incarceration statistics for black men compared to white men along with crime statistics all while Ziegler looked around perplexed as to the purpose of the comments.  

“These racial disparities are rooted in a two-tiered view on race. The belief that black people were inferior that was created to justify the enslavement of black people which has now evolved to include the belief that black people are more prone to criminality. During the decades of lynchings that followed enslavement, white people defended the torture and murder of black people as necessary to protect property, families and a way of life from black criminals,” Lee continued as Ziegler appeared to try and understand how slavery was connected to his testimony.

“Republican efforts to use the term ‘two tier justice’ is to distract from those who are truly the victims of a disparate treatment in our criminal justice system. And whether we say it out loud or not, we all know who those people are. I yield the remainder of my time to the ranking member.”

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