Thursday 27 July 2023

DeSantis rejects the idea of RFK Jr. as a running mate but raises the prospect of siccing the Democrat on the CDC or FDA

 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican currently running for president, shot down the idea of picking Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a presidential running mate, but suggested that the Democratic figure could be a good person to have tackle the Centers for Disease Control or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

DeSantis made the comments after Outkick's Clay Travis asked the Sunshine State governor whether he would consider Kennedy as a running mate. Kennedy is currently running in the Democratic presidential primary, while DeSantis is competing in the GOP presidential primary.

DeSantis noted that while he agrees with Kennedy on some issues, on many other issues the Democrat would not be in sync with voters on the political right.

DeSantis said that he agrees with Kennedy "on Fauci" as well as on "the corruption in the health bureaucracies." But he noted that Kennedy is "very liberal" on some issues.

The Florida governor said that Kennedy disagreed with the Supreme Court's recent ruling against allowing colleges to consider an applicant's race as a factor when making admissions decisions. 

"Regarding the Supreme Court banning affirmative action in higher ed — I know many Americans feel that purely race-based decisions are unfair. However, this feeling misses important context," Kennedy tweeted last month. "The effects of racist policies going back centuries are now self-perpetuating," he continued. "Affirmative action understands this and uses race-based policies to undo the effects of racist policies," he added. "'Color-blind' admissions tend to favor those who are already in the circle of privilege. It favors those who grew up in affluent, educated households. Wouldn't you like to invite in those who have been left out in the cold?" he wrote

DeSantis suggested that a president could "sic" Kennedy on the FDA or the CDC.

The governor has been stuck in a distant second place behind former President Donald Trump in the GOP presidential primary contest. Trump has a massive lead over the rest of the field.

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