Saturday 29 July 2023

Biden Forgets To Sign Executive Order He Flew All The Way To Maine To Sign

 President Joe Biden’s upcoming beach week can’t come soon enough. The poor guy forgot to sign an executive order that he flew all the way to Maine to sign on Friday. Perhaps the bigger part of the story can be found in the Democrats’ newfound obsession with the GDP.

This morning, Biden flew to Auburn, Maine, to tout his new “Invent It Here, Make It Here,” executive order. Apparently, wanting things to be “Made In America” was only racist when former President Donald Trump was in office. The whole point of the trip was to sign the order in Maine as a way to show his commitment to manufacturing jobs. However, the data indicate that Maine has lost 0.5 percent of its manufacturing jobs between June 2022 and June 2023, per CBS News.

As for the event today, Biden was typical Biden. He left the stage and had to be instructed to return to put his John Hancock on the darn thing. By that point, the crowd was already departing and his exit music was just getting started:

While there, he again insulted voters’ intelligence by claiming that “nobody knew what a supply chain” was until the pandemic:

Maine Governor Janet Mills (D) also praised Biden at the event, saying, “I want to thank him for revitalizing our economy — Maine and the nation are seeing an increase in the [Gross Domestic Product], statewide and nationally,” The Maine Wire reported.


While it is true that America’s GDP grew over the past two quarters, that doesn’t equate to a strong country. Whenever politicians or party hacks rely on the GDP to make their argument for a strong economy, perhaps we should be reminded of what the late Senator Robert Kennedy (D-NY) had to say about the GDP:

…gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials.

It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.

And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.

And right now, America’s kids are as unhealthy as ever — mentally and physically. Childhood education was slowed thanks to the lockdowns — and other problems plaguing public schools — and the “joy of their play” is stunted by activists who push wokeness into everything they do.

As for the quality of our public leaders, well, the ongoing scandals of “The Big Guy” and his family should speak to that.

Perhaps because of all those maladies, just 39% of the U.S. adult population says they are “extremely proud” to be American.

Biden should be all too familiar with Kennedy’s words. The guy plagiarized RFK’s exact speech on the GDP way back on the 1988 campaign trail. But maybe he’s blocked that out in the same manner that the Democratic National Committee is blocking out Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the 2024 Democratic Party.

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