Saturday 22 July 2023

Baby Rescued By Stray Dog After Being Abandoned In Trash

 A baby girl was rescued by a stray dog that located her in a garbage can after the child was abandoned by someone in the town of Tripoli, Lebanon, and her condition is listed as serious, but stable.

The dog was spotted carrying a black trash bag the animal found in the garbage outside a municipal building in the country’s city on Wednesday, the National reported.

A passerby saw the dog and then heard cries coming from the garbage bag being held in the dog’s mouth. The person found the baby inside the bag, and took her to a nearby hospital before she was transferred to the Tripoli Government Hospital, the outlet noted.

The hospital hasn’t provided new information about the little girl, due to the start of the Islamic New Year, after local media described her condition as serious but stable.

Ghassan Rifi, a journalist in Tripoli, questioned the intentions of the person who abandoned the baby.

“It was not known whether the ‘wild lady’ who threw the child and fled to an unknown destination had intended to throw her in the area so that the dogs would finish her off and eat her corpse or to draw attention to her,” Rifi wrote online in Arabic, the outlet noted.

“But in all cases, the dog that dragged her was more humane in the face of the brutality and criminality of the one who threw her,” the journalist added.


The comments were echoed by others on social media after pictures of the child surfaced online with the infant having abrasions and bruises across her body and face.

“Animals have more compassion than humans,” one person tweeted.

Another wrote, “The dog has much more humanity, kindness, cunning, and intelligence than some satanic mutants in human form.”

While another added, “Some say that the dog is an unclean animal and, of course, this is not true.”

There have been conflicting reports as to how old the child is, with speculation ranging from her being barley born to being as old as four-months, the outlet noted.

Police say they are investigating and looking for the individual who abandoned the child.

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