Wednesday 14 June 2023

Megyn Kelly, Others Blasts Newsweek For Slamming Critics Of Article Referencing Women As ‘Non-Men’

 Megyn Kelly was one of many on social media who blasted Newsweek for labeling critics of their article — about Johns Hopkins University referencing women as “non-men” — as “right wing,” “anti-gay,” and more.

The host of Sirius XM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast tweeted on Tuesday to her millions of followers, “This is next level. Newsweek forced to update its article referring to women as ‘non-men.’ Making misogyny great again [tomwritesnow]!”

Her post included a retweet from Jennifer Gingrich-who describes herself as a “radical feminist” and “lifelong leftie.” In it, Gingrich slams their headline “Johns Hopkins Accused of Trying to ‘Erase’ Women With Its Lesbian Term.” In the piece, Newsweek talked about the university’s definition for “lesbian” in its glossary of LGBTQ+ terms calling women “non-men.”

“Look at this appalling misogyny in [Newsweek] from [TomWritesNow], telling women who object to Johns Hopkins calling us non-men that we’re just ‘right wing’ bigots engaging in a backlash against ‘LGBTQ rights.’ I’m left-wing, Tom, and this is repugnant,” Gingrich tweeted.

Gingrich followed up her post, “Seriously, [TomWritesNow], your [Newsweek] article is one of the most misogynistic pieces of crap I’ve ever read. How dare you dismiss women who object to being demeaned with the term non-men as ‘far right’ & accuse us of being anti-gay while smugly flaunting your own lesbophobia?”

A short time later, Jennifer tweeted Newsweek saw the criticism and revised the piece. A disclaimer at the bottom of the Newsweek piece read, “This article and its headline have been updated for context and clarity.”

“1/2 Newsweek must have heard the outrage over Thomas Kika’s misogynistic article, as they’ve heavily updated it,” Gingrich tweeted. “It now refers to those who object to Johns Hopkins calling women non-men as ‘social media users’ instead of ‘a small subset of ‘right-wing’ ‘conservatives’ & they added ‘gay rights activist.'”

The university’s move also sparked a backlash from people like famed author J.K. Rowling  — who has been the target of transgender activists because of her numerous comments in defense of biological women.

She tweeted in response slamming the university, “Man: no definition needed.”

“Non-man (formerly known as woman): a being definable only by reference to the male. An absence, a vacuum where there’s no man-ness,” she added.

Others blasted John Hopkins for “destroying” and trying to “erase” women.

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