Thursday, 15 June 2023

For Biden White House, COVID, Masks Will Never Go Away

 Remember how a while ago, like, quite a while ago, we were all done with COVID and the masks and the social distancing?

Well, not Democrats — and not President Joe Biden. For them, COVID will never end, we’ll all wear masks forever and everyone will stay six feet from others until the end of time.

The White House sent out an email this week to visitors attending an event to honor NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams at “College Athlete Day.” The message, from the White House Office of Legislative Affairs to members of Congress, listed the protocols (long abandoned by sane people).

“Masking guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least six feet distance from others while on the White House grounds,” the email said.

Forget that social distancing doesn’t really work (if you believe those IQ-challenged wonks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), masks don’t really work (a study of 3,000 found). And that vaccine, along will endless boosters? Yeah, no. Even the triple-vaxxed can get the virus.

But the White House and Democrats don’t care about the facts. They’d rather continue to scare the hell out of Americans and ignore the science. They gave away a couple trillion dollars to their cronies (hey, no need to pay it back) and the only way to sell that is to continue the hype that COVID is worse than the Black Plague.

Take Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). The pandemic lives on for the New York democratic socialist — at least according to an automated phone message that reportedly plays when people call her congressional office in Washington, D.C.

“Thank you for calling the office of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Federal, state and local officials have advised that social distancing is critical to preventing the spread of COVID-19,” the recorded greeting from a male staffer says, according to the New York Post.


“As such, staff in the congresswoman’s DC and district offices will shortly begin telecommuting. Meetings and other business will be conducted by phone or video. Thank you for your understanding.”

For the record, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) got rid of its social distance requirement way back in August 2022. But most of us were already long done with the virus; the vast majority of Americans were done with the pandemic last year.

For instance, when the federal government launched a vaccine booster campaign last September, advising people over 50 and those with certain medical conditions to take the jab, Americans uttered a collective “meh.”

“Around two-thirds of adults in the United States do not plan to get updated COVID-19 booster shots soon, according to a survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), a health policy nonprofit organization,” Reuters reported at the time.

That was made clear in a Gallup poll last November. “Americans in all party groups have become more likely to say the pandemic is over since July, including increases of 12 points among Republicans, 14 points among Democrats and 10 points among independents,” Gallup found.

“However, Republicans are the only party with a majority saying the pandemic is over. Republicans are more than three times as likely as Democrats to say this, at 73% vs. 21%, while 48% of independents agree. Despite the fact that Biden has said he believes the pandemic is over, a majority of his party’s faithful, 79%, do not concur.”

Late last year, Biden declared, “The pandemic is over.” In a bit of hilarity, Biden’s staff and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who headed up the White House COVID response team, walked back the president’s declaration.

Biden did sign a bill passed by Congress that officially ended the COVID emergency on May 11. So that’s gotta’ be the end, right? Wrong. For Democrats, the pandemic will never end. Put on your mask!

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