Evanston, Illinois, a northern suburb of Chicago, is a woke utopia.
It became the first U.S city to issue slavery reparations.
Radical abortion cult members surrounded the home of pro-life lawyer Thomas Brejcha, in Evanston in July, 2022 and damagaging Breach’s property and throwing smoke bombs.
In 2021, the school district was hit with a lawsuit alleging violations of the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause as well as statutory violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The suit claimed that the Evanston/Skokie School District 65 was engaged in “treating individuals differently because of their race.”
And now, @DanProft shares course descriptions from Evanston Township High School’s AP classes that seem to encourage segregation.
One AP Calculus course description reads, “This code for the course is restricted to students who identify as Black, all genders.”
The second AP course says the course is restricted to students who identify as “Latinx, all genders.”
AP Calculus at Evanston Township H.S.
“…the course is restricted to students who identify as Black, all genders.”
“…the course is restricted to students who identify as Latinx, all genders.”
Neo-segregation is the absurdity of identitarianism taken to its logical end. pic.twitter.com/Jo8I9yzZCa
— Dan Proft (@DanProft) April 30, 2023

After their woke agenda circulated online, Proft shared that E.T.H.S updated the course descriptions. The push to encourage segregated enrollment, however, remains. “While open to all students, this optional section of the
course is intended to support students who identily as Latinx.”
UPDATE: Evanston H.S.’ neo-segregation of AP Calc classes.
Today ETHS made unannounced, unexplained language changes to their course descriptions. Fails to cure the Title VI wrong unless they also offer sections “intended to support students who identify” as white, Asian, et al. pic.twitter.com/qimQp9nAhv
— Dan Proft (@DanProft) May 1, 2023

Beyond federal law, note the vicious cycle of nonsense here. ETHS uses its own poor performance/poor student performance–a byproduct of its not-so-soft bigotry of low expectations–to justify its specious claims of ongoing systemic racism to cover for its poor performance.
— Dan Proft (@DanProft) May 1, 2023
Given ETHS’ conniving wordplay, it should not be afforded the benefit of the doubt either as to its intentions or its actual administration of these courses. Stay vigilant.
— Dan Proft (@DanProft) May 1, 2023