The Governor’s primary race among Republicans in Michigan has been going on for a year. The election is in 18 days, on August 2nd, and while Michigan conservatives are waiting to vote for one candidate, the elite donor class in the Republican Party is busy taking away choices from the voters using dirty tricks, litigation, bureaucrats, and selectively-enforced rules to make their choice.
Almost every RINO in Michigan has unified behind Tudor Dixon as their choice, even though she is not supported by the Michigan grassroots and has not been a prolific fundraiser. RINO’s such as Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, former Michigan Governor John Engler, and the NeverTrump DeVos family.
The NeverTrump coalition pushing Tudor Dixon for Governor is the same coalition that tried to push Tom Leonard for Attorney General last April, who lost to Trump-Endorsed Champion Matt DePerno.
Earlier this year, the Michigan Board of Canvassers disqualified multiple strong Republican candidates for Governor. They disqualified the then-poll-frontrunner former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, as well as the candidate with the most cash on hand, Perry Johnson, as well as Cpt. Mike Brown, financial consultant Mike Markey, and billionaire Donna Brandenburg who still has a lawsuit pending.
The five disqualified candidates were taken out by the Michigan Board of Canvassers. The two Republican appointees on the Board of Canvassers were Tony Daunt and Norm Shinkle. Both Daunt and Shinkle are long-time paid staffers for NeverTrump DeVos organizations. The Board of Canvassers was the entity that certified the 2020 Presidential vote in Michigan despite ample evidence of voter fraud that went uninvestigated and unheard by official entities in Michigan.
Daunt resigned this past April in a temper tantrum blaming Trump for promoting “delusional lies” about the election. Daunt has been the longtime head of the Freedom Fund, an entity entirely funded by the DeVos family, that has been sending attack ads and mailers against Trump-endorsed candidates across Michigan.
The NeverTrump DeVos family told several candidates, including Trump-endorsed Kevin Rathbun, that they would never support them because they were too pro-Trump and had vocally supported a full forensic audit.

NeverTrump Michigan Republican donor Betsy DeVos, who betrayed Trump by resigning in protest after January 6th and supporting Trump’s impeachment and removal from office.
Back in May the NeverTrump DeVos family was recruiting and promoting Republicans who were pro-voter fraud and anti-forensic audit. They were recruiting big donors to fight all the Trump-endorsed candidates across Michigan. They brought in Mike Pence to headline a fundraiser for their anti-Trump candidates.
The DeVos family has also been busy recruiting precinct delegates to take over the Michigan Republican Party, including delegates who are Democrats and others who have pledged to never vote for Republicans for Governor. Taking over the Republican Party is more important to the NeverTrumpers than electing actual Republicans.
Now, the NeverTrump DeVos faction has been courting President Trump to get him to endorse in the Michigan Governor’s race. Amazingly, they were very close to fooling Trump and getting a Dixon endorsement.
In the Michigan media, they treated a Trump endorsement of Dixon as a foregone conclusion.
Jase Bolger, called the ‘gatekeeper’ to the DeVos family, was bragging around the Michigan Capitol that Dixon was getting the Trump endorsement on Tuesday, and when that didn’t happen it was then supposed to happen on Wednesday, both of which never happened.

NeverTrump DeVos employee Jase Bolger, former Michigan House Speaker and reported gatekeeper to DeVos funds.
Sources close to the Soldano campaign say there was a recent effort to bring Governor candidate Garrett Soldano to Trump that was abruptly cancelled at the last minute. Trump is reportedly personally interested in both Garrett Soldano and Ryan Kelley. These meetings were cancelled because the NeverTrump DeVos interests were busy preparing a Dixon endorsement.
Dixon was lining up the endorsement by pushing and promoting fake polls.
The Tudor Dixon campaign was showing President Trump an unreliable poll from one of Dixon’s consultants, Steve Mitchell of Mitchell Research and Communications, showing Dixon at 26% with an 11-point lead over their competitors.
The argument from the Dixon campaign was that Trump should endorse the inevitable front-runner now, with less than three weeks before the election.
The rumors in Lansing are that the Detroit News is purposefully suppressing and sitting on their own polling showing that Dixon is in last place in the Governor’s race. Their motive is to cater to the powerful NeverTrump DeVos family who control a great deal of political spending in the state.
Detroit News reporter Craig Mauger has told Lansing insiders that this Detroit News poll exists but that the publication, his own employer, is sitting on releasing the poll results.
The suppressed Detroit News poll shows Ryan Kelley in first place with Tudor Dixon in fourth place.
The liberal media is suppressing their own poll results in order to pressure Trump to select Tudor Dixon as the Republican nominee.
Rinke, who is a billionaire, has also gone negative on Tudor Dixon’s connections to the NeverTrump DeVos family:
Reportedly Trump saw this Rinke ad on the golf course and was furious that he was about to endorse Tudor Dixon and was being lied to by NeverTrump DeVos allies.
Michigan Consultant John Yob, who worked on the Governor races of two of the disqualified candidates, told the Gateway Pundit: “President Trump is far more intelligent than the establishment RINO’s who try to manipulate the process and won’t be tricked or trapped into endorsing the wrong candidate.”
The media is mentioning a change in the Governor’s race without actually showing or linking to Rinke’s ad, so they can continue to prop up Dixon, as you can see here by shameless hack Michigan reporter Craig Mauger talking about the race without linking to Rinke’s ad:
The media also covers for the fact that Tudor Dixon starred in soft-core pornographic lesbian vampire low-budget movies in the past decade. The clips have all been removed from YouTube and elsewhere online.
Thankfully, your crack TGP Research Team made backups:
The media also covers up whether Tudor Dixon is still married to her husband. Dixon touts her four daughters regularly on the campaign trail, but never talks about her husband or her marriage. Her husband is never in pictures or otherwise mentioned in any campaign materials. According to her fellow church-goers, the couple is planning to quickly divorce in the near future.
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