In 2018, the legalization of marijuana was placed on the ballot in Michigan. Thanks to all of the young voters who showed up in large numbers to vote for the legalization of weed, all three of Michigan’s dirtiest and most dishonest elected officials, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and Attorney General Dana Nessel, won their seats.
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is one of the most lawless, partisan, incompetent, and embarrassing elected officials in the United States of America. The man-hating, lesbian Democrat activist actually ran a campaign ad during prime time on local television stations promoting her as the best candidate for attorney general because you could “trust” her to “not show you” her “penis.”
The photo below was taken at the largest sporting event of the year in Michigan, the MSU vs. UM football game. AG Nessel was so drunk in the stadium filled with tens of thousands of fans she had to be removed in a wheelchair.
Last week, Michigan’s lawless attorney general finally announced charges against Democrat Kathy Funk, the former Flint township clerk and current Genessee County elections supervisor, related to the August 2020 primary election.
Daily Mail – She ran as a Democrat and held onto her position until November when she announced she was taking a job as elections supervisor in the Genesee County Clerk-Register John Gleason’s office.
Funk has kept her job at the county despite a Michigan State Police investigation into her conduct in August 2020.
She is due back in Genesee District Court on Monday when her attorney Matthew Norwood said she will plead not guilty to the charges against her.
If convicted, she faces up to 10 years in prison.
Epoch Times reports – Nessel alleged that Funk purposely broke a seal on a container for ballots so that the votes couldn’t be totaled during an anticipated recount. She narrowly won reelection in the unofficial count, the attorney general’s office said.
AG Nessel, who frequently takes to Twitter to mock conservatives or make baseless threats against political opponents, responded to a ClickonDetroit tweet about Funk.
“Election officials must uphold the integrity of their positions. Those who abuse that commitment undermine the very foundation of our democracy. Our department is committed to prosecuting election violations, regardless of the political party of the perpetrator,” Nessel tweeted.
Nessel’s comments are curious because when MI SOS Jocelyn Benson was found violating the law when she told MI clerks to ignore signature matching in the November 2020 election, Nessel looked the other way.

And when Southfield City Clerk Sharikia Hawkins was accused of six felony counts of voter fraud related to absentee ballots, Hawkins continued to work as the city clerk through the November 2020 election and beyond. She even ran for re-election, and the bright citizens of Southfield, MI, re-elected her while her court case dragged on for years.

After the August 2020 election, Funk filed a report with the Flint Township Police Department claiming there was a break-in at the election office and said a seal on a canister containing ballots had been broken, according to local reports. Her opponent, Manya Triplett, said she had considered a recount, but, according to state election law, those votes couldn’t be included in a recount because of the tampering.

Under Section 168.871 of Michigan state law, “the board of canvassers conducting a recount” has to look over “all ballots of a precinct using an electronic voting system” unless certain problems arise.
The law stipulates that ballots cannot be recounted if “the seal on the transfer case or other ballot container” is broken or have a different number than recorded in the poll record book, among other circumstances. If the seal on the ballot “label assembly” is broken or if numbers don’t match the poll records or ballot labels, they cannot be counted, according to the Michigan Legislature’s website, which offers details of state voting law.
Funk later resigned as Flint Township clerk to become Genesee County’s elections supervisor, the Detroit Free Press reported.
Broken seals and damaged transfer cases are a common occurrence in Wayne County, Michigan, where the votes haven’t been recounted in several years because…
Under Michigan election law, if the seal was broken or the ballot count numbers don’t match up, your vote still counts, but ballots in that box won’t be recounted.
From Part I in a series of stunning reports from MC4EI: Detroit used defective ballot boxes last November.
The Detroit Department of Elections, under the authority of City Clerk Janice Winfrey, allegedly used defective ballot boxes in the November 2020 elections.
This was reported to both legal counsels at the Wayne County Board of Canvassers and the Senate Oversight Committee, which recommended an investigation by the Secretary of State and the Attorney General. But none appears to have occurred, despite the fact that, under Michigan law, if a clerk is found guilty of using an unapproved ballot container in an election, it is a misdemeanor crime punishable by up to 90 days in jail.

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