Monday, 21 February 2022

The Battle Rages in Ottawa...But Is Part of It Staged? [VIDEOS]


Over the last two days there have been at least 170 arrests of peaceful protestors in Ottawa,  53 trucks towed, and 22 license plates taken by law enforcement.

We also know that the police presence is heavily armed, and pepper spray is being used.  There has been an elderly lady run over by a a mounted police officer’s horse, see our earlier story about that here, and, we reported earlier on a journalist surviving being shot in the head, see here.   But, oh,  it doesn’t stop there…the police are now allegedly smashing the windows out of trucks while people are peaceably sitting in them.


While all this craziness has been occurring, everyone has continued shouting from the rooftops that the arrest and intimidation of a peaceful Freedom Protesters is ILLEGAL!  Is it possible that the Canadian police force and government KNOW this?  Chris Sky, a Canadian Freedom fighter, alleges that yes, they are aware of this fact.  Chris alleges that he knows persons who were arrested publicly, handcuffed, put in a paddy wagon and then RELEASED miles away.


We are not completely sure what to make of this quite yet.   We will be following up on this as more information becomes available.

What does seem clear is that chaos currently reigns in Ottawa.  And yet, per Epoch Times, many freedom protesters remain strong, and more supporters actually showed up today.  Check out this video taken in the later afternoon today:


Very few things will pull people together more than a battle for freedom!  It is, after all, the God-given right of every single human being.

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