Wednesday, 16 February 2022

The Alleged DOD Cover-Up of Massive Military Injuries from COVID Vaccines [VIDEO]


In January 2022, a true soldier on the battleground of medical freedom, Tom Rentz, launched another bomb of truth about unethical and fraudulent practices by the Department of Defense (DOD).  Rentz, a midwestern attorney from Ohio, testified before the U.S. Senate as to the massive number of injuries being experienced by members of our military due to the covid vaccine mandates.


Information was gathered by highly credentialed physicians and public health officials, now whistleblowers, within the DOD.  They saw a huge spike in illnesses in 2021 and wanted to know why.  They used the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) to garner their statistics.  DMED is considered one of the best databases for medical data.  It is frequently used to support peer-reviewed scientific studies and literature.

The DMED data showed an alarming trend:

DMED Chart shows 988.3% in Diseases & Injuries Reported Comparing 2020 to 2021:

The DOD responded to this presented evidence via a news report in PolitiFact. It alleged that the data in DMED was actually incorrect for the years 2016-2020.  But, as noted by Renz in an interview with Epoch Times, “it was magically corrected in 2021, despite the fact they had not noticed it was wrong until we pointed it out in our testimony”.  Renz also noted that the DOD allegation makes no common sense because it is documented that the CDC was watching the DMED database, and, despite the fact the pandemic was considered the worst since 1918, no one at the CDC noticed “an error of 20 million-plus injury/disease codes per year”.

When interviewed by X22 Report on February 12, 2022, as to the latest developments surrounding this scandal,  Renz noted: “There is zero question they are aware of the injuries and diseases, and they are covering it up.”  “They know we’ve got the smoking gun.”


This scandal has obviously rattled the democrats.  We will be seeing a genuine attempt by them to quickly erase the entire Covid mess before the 2022 election cycle.  Renz believes Anthony Fauci will eventually be “thrown under the bus” for Covid abuses. He agrees Fauci definitely belongs in jail, but so do a number of other people.  That is his goal. Renz emphasized that for the sake of our children, we cannot afford to let this be swept under the rug. He considers this to be a true crime against humanity, and his is a battle to save lives.  To get more information and to support Mr. Renz in his fight, please go to  He is requesting prayers.  He is also very appreciative of any monetary donations.

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