Wednesday, 23 February 2022

OTTAWA MAYOR Wants Trucks Towed From Protest To Be SOLD To Fund Costs Police Incurred To Shut Them Down


Ottawa, Ontario is a liberal city.

Ottawa’s Mayor Jim Watson is a cowardly liberal who would like to sell the trucks that were towed from the Truckers for Freedom rally in the nation’s capital city and use the money collected from the sale of trucks to support the police who threatened and in some cases, abused them.

Yes, you heard that correctly, instead of returning the trucks to the corporations and private truckers who Canadians referred to as “heroes” during the pandemic, Ottawa’s far-left mayor would like to steal their trucks instead.

As of Saturday, police had towed 53 vehicles from downtown streets since the movement began Friday to remove them, some of which had been occupying the area for three full weeks.

Speaking to CTV News Ottawa, Watson said this could be a chance to recoup some of the costs of the massive police operation.

“I’ve asked our city manager, for instance, how can we take possession of all of those trucks that have been towed away?” Watson said on CTV News at Six. “How can we confiscate those and sell those trucks to help pay for some of our costs? I don’t think the taxpayers of Ottawa should be paying for this multi-million dollar bill that we’re going to be saddled with because of the irresponsibility and the illegal activities of a bunch of truckers and others who showed little regard for our community and its people.”

Earlier in the day, the mayor said he believed the federal Emergencies Act would allow for such action.


Here’s a look at one of the Canadian truckers the mayor of Ottawa would like to punish by stealing his truck and using the funds collected to pay for the actions of those who stole his livelihood.


The liberals who currently have the majority in the Canadian government have likely miscalculated the support for the truckers who valiantly fought for the freedom of ALL Canadians. Hopefully, the next election will reveal how many Canadian supported the decision made by the current jackbooted government officials to punish the brave truckers who stood for their freedoms.

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