For the third day, the Ambassador Bridge continues to be barricaded by Canadian truckers, blocking off traffic from Detroit into Windsor, Ontario.
US, traffic paralyzed from Detroit to Windsor tonight. US – Canada border blocked by Canadian truckers after the Ambassador Bridge. Over 25% of all merchandise trade between the US and Canada passes through this border.
— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) February 8, 2022
One of the busiest international borders, carrying approximately $3.2 million in trade per day, is still partially shut down by the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy as the brave truckers fight for their freedom.

Now, the Blue Water Bridge, a twin-span border crossing, is backing up for miles as all traffic into Canada is redirected there. Earlier today, the backups were reported to be more than 10 miles long.
Watch the videos showing the major Bue Water Bridge backup.
Traffic backed up for roughly 10 miles at the Blue Water Bridge border crossing in Port Huron, Michigan, with trucks to Canada rerouted here due to the Ambassador Bridge blockade
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) February 8, 2022
Farmers in Sarnia are also barricading the Canadian side of the Blue Water Bridge with their tractors in support of the truckers’ protest.
US front: Sarnia, farmers block Blue Water Bridge on the US – Canadian border. After Coutts another border crossing is blocked. #TrudeauMustResign #TruckersForFreedom2022
— Dean 🇬🇧🇨🇦🇳🇿 (@JustEye33) February 7, 2022
On the Sarnia, Canada side of the bridge, traffic is backed up for miles, as truckers and vehicles attempt to get to the US from Canada.
@CBCAfternoonDr There is a 20km line of trucks backed up at the Blue Water Bridge in Sarnia.
— Joe Szanyi (@joeszanyi) February 8, 2022
While the pressure on Canada is growing, Premiers across Canada are beginning to give in to the truckers’ demands. Alberta and Saskatchewan have eliminated COVID vaccine passports and will be removing mask mandates at the end of the month. Ottawa, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island will be rolling back their COVID restrictions, including limits on private gatherings.
He’s breaking
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) February 8, 2022