In the early evening yesterday, the hacktivist group, Anonymous has announced that they have officially waged a cyberwar against the Russian government.
First, the group of expert hackers took down the RT website of the Russian propaganda news station:
The image below is a screenshot of what their website looked like last night.
Now, the hacktivist group who has waged a cyberwar against Russia, has taken down their Russian Ministry of Defense website:
“CoylyKentucky” explained how and why Anonymous poses a real threat the Russians if they continue to succeed in their effortst to disrupt the Russians aggressive takeover of Ukraine:
Anonymous is a huge network of Hackers , they can knock out Websites , Satellites , anything that is computer controlled can be hacked… the Ministry of defense in Russia is a communication device to make sure they keep the Russian people informed
PHD. ANONYMOUS shared a message from Anonymous:
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Several Twitter users are posting images of what they find when they go to the website for the Russian Ministry of Defense:
Rokas Malakauskas reports the website now reads: 418 I’m a teapot
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