Tuesday, 25 January 2022

WATCH: TRIGGERED Lib Absolutely LOSES IT During March Against Medical Tyranny In DC – “Stop Invading Our Territory!”


Video of a triggered lib is going viral online after she was recorded having a trump-derangement-syndrome fueled meltdown during Sunday’s massive March against Vaccine Mandates and Medical Tyranny in Washington DC.

Apparently, her hippie-dippie, mystery-machine-wannabe van was blocked from accessing the road, which caused the unhinged lunatic to jump out and start screaming at the protesters.

As she stomped her feet and made an ‘L’ gesture on her forehead, she shrieked “my tax dollars are going to the police, to shut down the road, so that these f*cking white supremacists can party and have a hell of a time celebrating their loser President.”

And then, as if she and the rest of the mass formation psychosis crowd physically own our great Nation’s Capitol, she hissed “go the f*ck home. Stop invading our territory”

Watch via Libs Tik Tok:

Predictably, the internet turned her into a meme almost instantly:

Hilariously, this was not her only hysterical meltdown on the day. She was also recorded later on while she was in the middle of another unhinged rant, this time about ‘pedophiles.’

Another textbook case of projection by the kool-aid guzzling lib.

“Is that what you think?! That we’re all pedophiles,” she screams. “That’s why you’re pedophiles! Because that’s all you can f*cking think about.”


Let’s just leave this with a perfect summation by Jack Posobic.

Crazed? yes. – Useful to the patriot-hating DC Swamp? Also yes.

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