Earlier this month, residents of Washington sounded the alarm on the state’s plan to detain the unvaccinated in quarantine camps.
Washougal health practitioners contacted The Gateway Pundit warning about WAC 246-100-040, a measure to amend Washington’s Communicable and Certain Other Diseases act to include emergency Covid protocol.
The bill would allow local health officers “at his or her sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”
The Washington State Board of Health was slated to receive an 8-hour briefing on Jan 12 from a “technical advisory group” about making the Covid vaccines a requirement for children to attend school and implementing WAC 246-100.
Americans across Washington and the United States were outraged after reviewing the state’s disease statutes and immediately demanded answers.
Hours after the GP exposed Washington’s plan to authorize its already established ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families, the WSBH issued a statement disputing the report as “misinformation.”
“Agenda item 9, while related to rulemaking on chapter 246-100 WAC, is scoped only to the implementation of ESHB 1551 … and does not include changes to isolation and quarantine policies nor does it suggest law enforcement be used to enforce any vaccination requirements,” the health board claimed on Sunday night around 10 pm.
By flooding the state’s lawmakers with emails, phone calls and threats to fight back, the American people forced the board to delay and obfuscate its nefarious agenda, Washougal Physician Assistant Scott Miller told The Gateway Pundit.
Corruption thrives in the dark, the pediatric specialist, who lost his medical license in October for providing over tw0 thousand critically-ill Covid patients with Ivermectin, vitamins and other effective treatments, warned.
In a video provided exclusively to The Gateway Pundit, Miller outlines how hospitals across America are systemically killing people and incriminating health practitioners who dare speak out or expose the corruption.
The Washington State Board of Health “tabled” its discussion over the measure, but it’s in the works, he argued:
All of a sudden, it’s this ‘conspiracy that there’s these encampments and we are going to be hauled off if we’re unvaccinated’ and ‘they didn’t discuss any of it. Here’s the thing, they said ‘we are not going to discuss it today.’ We may discuss it tomorrow, but we are not going to discuss it today.”
“Why do we have detention facilities? Why do we have these orders that people can be basically deputized as these authorities that can come to our homes and remove us that is supposed to be discussed in league with children having a mandatory vaccine – when you have [Bill] Gates funding?”
In the state of Washington, providers can’t even talk about – they have to whisper about treatment. If you’re in a hospital system or any large sized or mid-sized medical practice, you’re going to get written up if you talk to a patient about actual treatment or if you don’t push the inoculation. Why?
The government mandate of experimental Covid vaccines for children, who have a less than zero percent risk of being hospitalized from Covid infection, is a clear sign no governmental entity can’t be trusted, Miller contends:
Children are at zero percent risk statistically for even serious adverse events from the virus. Yet, we are looking at healthy athletes around the world, dying, dropping dead. ‘It’s not from being given a spike protein.’ What’s it from? Just random?
Why are there National Guardsmen at our hospital now? Why are you lumping in mandatory childhood vaccines? Why is there a tactical advisory force team looking into even the possibility of mandating this? Why?
Why is the government wanting to use our children as test subjects to keep adults safe? Why aren’t our hospitals treating? Why are they using the exact same failed, bare minimum CDC protocols? Why are they still using Remdesivir? It’s poison – literal poison. And it’s given late, it’s supposed to stop the virus from replicating, so why would you give it once you’re hospitalized?
The board of health is clearly no longer in the business of promoting health when it devoted “the entire, multi-hour idiocy” on “how we encourage people to get vaccinated” and just “seconds” on the efficacy of monoclonal antibodies, the physician assistant asserts:
[They] talked about all this money being infused into ‘how do we encourage people to get vaccinated?’ Instead of spending that money and effort into finding therapeutics that work, that are reliable, that are FDA approved.
All the other meds are FDA-approved and are effective. Ivermectin is FDA approved, very effective; Budesonide, FDA approved, very effective; Montelukast, FDA approved, very effective; Fluvoxamine, FDA approved very effectively, Famotidine, over the counter, effective. Those are the meds.
They didn’t talk about any preventative. These are doctors saying if you are symptomatic, stay away from others, don’t go to the hospital – drink water and take Tylenol. So, apparently, you’re allowed to treat Covid with Tylenol and water.
So, we can treat fever and aches with a medication that is going to affect the liver, but we can’t treat the inflammation caused by cytokines? So, its okay to treat with Tylenol, but we can’t treat with Colchicine. How is that a thing?
Washington Hospitals are facing a severe staff shortage after implementing vaccine mandates for health care workers. Vaccinated medical practitioners are Covid positive after receiving Covid vaccinations, and those who refused to comply with the mandate have lost their jobs.
While Miller and other courageous health care providers are barred from their practice for actually treating Covid patients and exposing the system premised on lies, the Covid infected vaccinated hospital staff is now being urged to go to work, sick or not.
“Hospitals and long-term care facilities are so short-staffed that many are compelling Covid-positive doctors and nurses to return to work, arguing that bringing back asymptomatic or even symptomatic staff is the only way they can keep their doors open amid a spike in hospitalizations,” Politico reports.
Covid is treatable, but the Covid pandemic is “a crisis of ignorance and scientific suppression,” Miller said:
If this is a ‘vaccine,’ which it’s not, [it would be preventative.] Not only is it not preventive, but here in southwest Washington and in Portland, Legacy Health Systems, their chief medical director is having hospital workers come back into the hospital while Covid positive and symptomatic to treat patients.
So, you fire dedicated nurses and respiratory therapists and physical therapists and doctors …You let them go. Why? Because you are afraid that they are somehow going to be complicit in perpetuating this pandemic.
How are you supposed to believe that [US quarantine camps] are not real when that’s what they’re desperately after? They are desperately after this division. If you fire everybody, why wouldn’t you haul them off? If [the unvaccinated are] so despised, if they are so ‘unclean’ – that they can’t work that you would rather bring back sick people with Covid into the hospital to care for other people, not on the Covid ward… what are we led to believe?
If you think that active sick Covid hospital workers are a better fit to treat people or care for people because they’ve obeyed the vaccine mandate, while otherwise healthy, unvaccinated nurses, [medical doctorss], [physician assistants] can’t work, that’s just nefarious and evil. Yet, it’s the double vaxxed that are sick, that are going home and then getting called back.