Thursday, 27 January 2022

Latest Actions by Durham Indicate a Broken Investigation by a Broken DOJ


The latest from the Durham investigation which should have been completed ages ago is not good news.  According to reports, Durham’s team only this month found out about key evidence that should have been analyzed months ago.

As most Americans know, corrupt Obama officials during the 2016 Election used a false document (the Steele Dossier) as a basis for spying on the Trump campaign and Administration.  This dossier was a lie created by the Hillary gang and the DOJ and FBI used it anyways in a coup attempt to have President Trump removed from office.

When Jeff Sessions was removed from office, Bill Barr came in and in May 2019 created an investigation into the beginnings of the Russia collusion sham.  Per Lawfare blog:

In May 2019, Attorney General William Barr tapped Connecticut’s U.S. Attorney John Durham to look into issues related to the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation. Durham is alongtime federal prosecutor inConnecticut known for leadingorganized crime and public corruption cases. In 2008, Attorney General Michael Mukaseytasked Durham with investigating the CIA’s destruction of interrogation videotapes. A year later, Attorney General Eric Holderexpanded Durham’s mandate to examine CIA torture allegations.

Now, Durham is conducting a comprehensive global probe of the U.S. government’s investigation of the Trump Campaign’s connections with Russia. The investigation covers pre- and post-election matters, and reportedly has come to include the unmasking of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the basis for the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the election in 2016. These are all matters on which President Trump has publicly commented. Before and after Durham began his investigation, Trump has often claimed, in fiery rhetoric, that the Trump campaign investigation, and the unmasking of Flynn, and the intelligence community’s assessment, were illegitimate. He has also charged that some of the people apparently under investigation by Durham engaged in misconduct on matters under investigation. Attorney General Barr has also publicly commented that some of the people under investigation engaged in serious wrongdoing.

This investigation has led to almost nothing to date.  (At times there were doubts that the investigation was actually in place.)

Yesterday (Tuesday, January 25) some documents were uncovered in the Durham case as noted by Techno Fog:

Today, Special Counsel John Durham provided a “discovery update” to the court in the Michael Sussmann case. In this filing, available here, he disclosed that his team has obtained a tremendous amount of information ranging from a variety of sources – including Perkins Coie, the Hillary Clinton Campaign, and former DNC/Clinton lawyer Mark Elias.

While Sussmann has been charged with giving false statements to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker regarding the Alfa Bank/Trump Organization hoax (background here), Durham notes that the “Government also maintains an active, ongoing criminal investigation of” Sussmann’s conduct.

The Conservative Treehouse asked a good question in regards to the recent actions reported in the Durham investigation.

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has known about the Durham probe of Michael Sussmann for how long?  And specifically, the criminal case against Sussmann revolved around the central witness, the point of contact with former FBI General Counsel, Jim Baker.  Yet the OIG said nothing to John Durham about their possession of Baker’s phones until this month?

Think about what that tells us?

Baker was the top attorney in the FBI under Comey.  He likely has all sorts of knowledge about FBI activities and crimes related to the Russia Collusion sham.  After leaving the FBI, Baker became a member of the National Task Force on Election Crisis, a group of individuals whose purpose to date appears to be stopping any 2020 Election audits or investigations from taking place.

Why did Durham only uncover this month that Baker had two phones?  Is the DOJ Inspector General part of the cover-up of the Russia Collusion coup too?  The Conservative Treehouse answers this way:

Unfortunately, when you start asking those types of questions, you start to get too close to the heart of the issue.  The entire apparatus of the U.S. Dept of Justice and the FBI are corrupt.   As to the bigger question: will the Durham probe finally outline all the evidence to prove all the years of deception and fraud perpetrated by the massive aligned system of corrupt government?  My short and painful answer is, NO.

The longer answer is attached to the one issue that all researched opinions and analytical theories never touch. The 800lb gorilla in the room that no one will put into their accountability prism, because it blocks all other sunlight:

If Durham was going to reveal the scale of corruption within these institutions, ie. what optimistic folks proclaim as possible; how is Durham going to handle the reality that Robert Mueller’s entire existence was in place to hide it?

The DOJ and FBI are corrupt and weaponized divisions of a corrupt system of U.S. government.  The OIG providing willfully blind cover for the corruption within the institutions they are supposed to police is simply more evidence of the rot within them.

The overall question of the Durham investigation is whether it is really in place to get to the bottom of the Russia Collusion nightmare used by crooked Hillary and Obama cronies in the DOJ in an effort to remove the President from office – or is the story of this investigation being in place, a Deep State vehicle to placate the masses and fool them into thinking that something is being done for justice.
Based on the DOJ’s record since Obama, and the results to date of the Durham investigation, Americans have lost faith anything just will come out of this Justice Department.

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