Hours after being kicked off of Twitter for good, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took to Instagram to absolutely SHRED fellow House Republican Dan Crenshaw for his theatrics over a “toothless” proposal to ‘hold big tech accountable,’ when, in reality, he’s been frequently absent for Congressional votes that are close enough where he would actually make a difference.
Case in point, Greene provides a screenshot of a roll call vote tally showing a proposal that was introduced by radical Maxine Waters passing by just one vote, 215-214. Four Democrats had gone across the aisle to side with Republicans, but Crenshaw refused to show up to cast the vote that would block the bill from going through.
“Republicans could have stopped Maxine Waters’ bill, but Dan couldn’t be bothered to vote,” Greene said. “Unfortunately Dan doesn’t always walk in the chamber to vote to stop Democrat bills, even when he’s in town.”
There are several Republican bills that have been submitted on the issue of big tech censorship, but none of them will pass with House Cryptkeeper Pelosi in charge, according to Greene.
Instead of focusing on a RINO “make it look like they’re doing something bill” like the one Crenshaw is championing right now, Greene points out that the most important thing Republicans can do while in the Congressional minority is to SHOW UP and vote in order to put these “Uniparty” swamp creatures on the record for their support of this radical “Communist agenda.”
“There are many Republican bills on the issue, but none of them have been passed, and won’t pass, under Nancy Pelosi.
While we are in the minority, the most important thing we can do is to show up and vote, call for recorded votes to put Uniparty career politicians on record, and do everything we can to stop the Democrat’s Communist agenda.”
Greene also ripped Crenshaw for being a ‘not-so-secret’ Trump-hater – a “Paul Ryan-type,” if you will – who spends most of his time attacking ‘America first’ Republicans.
Most likely, she says, it’s because he’s a Warhawk Neocon who is trying to keep the Bush/Cheney/McCain era alive.
“[Dan Crenshaw], who spends most of his time attacking America First Republicans because he (not so secretly) hates Trump, is talking about a bill ‘to hold big tech accountable!” but [the proposal] is the same type of toothless bill the Paul Ryan types try to sell to make it look like they’re doing something.
We must never allow the Republican party to be ran by the Bush/Cheney/McCain Neocons of the early 2000s. And we have some among us in Congress trying to keep the Neocon fight alive.”
These grifting RINOs need to be booted out – once and for all.
Just hours before she called out Crenshaw, Greene’s personal account was permanently banned on Sunday for posting Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The platform claimed it was Greene’s fifth “strike” for spreading “COVID-19 misinformation,” which is absolutely bogus. Her ban just proves that, like Dr. Robert Malone and others, she was directly over the target with what she was sharing on Twitter.