Monday, 24 January 2022

Conservatives Mock Fake Video of Fake Patriots Posted By Leftist Journalist...Suggest “Patriot Front” Group Is Just Another Plot By Feds [VIDEO]

 Americans no longer trust our intelligence agencies, especially after the January 6th incident where people like former Oath Keepers AZ Chapter President Ray Epps, who spent two days calling on Trump supporters to join him at the Capitol instead of at the Ellipse, briefly appeared on the FBI’s Most Wanted list only to disappear once a sufficient number of primarily Trump-supporting Americans were arrested for their role in an armless “insurrection.”

So when a group of masked men, who no one has ever heard of, headed to Washington DC. on December 4, 2021, and marched to the Lincoln Memorial, and then almost as quickly as they came, marched back to the UHaul trucks that brought them to the event; people on social media began to question if they were posers?

The Left immediately made up stories about the group and their ties to “right-wing” extremists and “white supremacy.”

The only problem is…no one on the right has ever heard of these guys. Conservatives, however, seem to think they have a pretty good idea about where this new group came from.

Here, the group of masked men can be seen almost running away from their final destination, the Lincoln Memorial:

The Left immediately made up stories about the group and their ties to “right-wing” extremists and “white supremacy.”

The only problem is…no one on the right has ever heard of these guys. Conservatives, however, seem to think they have a pretty good idea about where this new group came from.

This tweet about the “Patriot Front” group being FBI agents won the day:

Conservative comedian Tim Young hilariously asked if today’s “Patriot Front” parade is the FBI spending their end-of-year’ use it or lose it’ budget?

Election Wizard with over 245K followers mocked the group, suggesting the feds could have tried to be a little more original with the name of their group.

Popular conservative “Suburban Black Man” had this to say about the group Wikipedia calls a “white supremacy” group:

Much like illegal aliens who are trying not to be noticed, the mystery group traveled to and from DC inside the trailers of several UHaul trucks.

Here, the group of masked men can be seen almost running away from their final destination, the Lincoln Memorial:

And then again, after a two-month public hiatus, the Khaki-clad, masked men wearing what looks like intelligence agency-issued jackets showed up in Chicago where they attempted to join a Right-to-Life march.

It didn’t go very well for the bizarre new group of “patriots”…

The March for Life in Chicago drew a crowd of over 1K who marched their way through the Loop.

The “Patriot Front” group didn’t get the warm welcome they hoped for. Several of the men participating in the march called them out and tried to push them back away from the legit group of mostly young adults marching for life.

“Hijacking a pro-life movement—who the heck do you guys think you are?” one of the men can be heard yelling at the group.

Yesterday, the fake patriot group, who suddenly came out of nowhere to appear everywhere,  attempted to join the massive Pro-Life March in Washington DC. Curiously, the khaki-clad group had a heavy police presence surrounding and protecting them, as protesters called them out for being fakes.

And now, like magic, a “data leak” including a video that was allegedly “leaked” showing the fully masked members of the group taking off their hats while leaving their masks on their faces and shouting the Nazi salute, “Sieg f*cking Heil!”

As the video began to circulate on social media, conservatives who are tired of being duped, and watching our intelligence agencies dupe America, demanded these freaks be ignored, calling it just another plot by the feds.

Kurt Schlicter of Townhall mocked the fake “gotcha” video, saying, “Not at all feds!” and “Take seriously this very organic and real group of people with no affiliation with the FBI.”

The Babylon Bee is a right-leaning satire site that regularly produces some of the funniest content on the internet. On Monday, The Babylon Bee released a hilarious videotaped skit depicting FBI agents orchestrating a domestic terror attack on the Capitol. The scene mocks FBI agents who allegedly set up Trump supporters on January 6th.

The video opens with an image of a Confederate flag and the words “Undisclosed Location” at the bottom of the screen. The next shot includes a picture of a marked-up map with strings and push pins, along with guns and bandanas (disguises) lying on top of the map. The words “MAGA Country” are added under “Undisclosed Location.”

Although it’s meant to be humorous, it’s so close to reality that, unfortunately, it’s hard to watch:

Here’s the video of the alleged “data links” from the alleged “Neo-Nazi” group “Patriot Front.”

This is getting really embarrassing…


The Unicorn Riot, who allegedly acquired the “data leaks” from the Patriot Front, released the following information:

The detailed inner workings and patterns of operation of fascists in the neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front have come to light after a massive leak from their chat servers. The exposed communications show coordination with their leader Thomas Rousseau to deface murals and monuments to Black lives across the United States and intimate struggles to bolster morale through group activities like hiking and camping.

This release includes more than 400 gigabytes of data published by Unicorn Riot. Ostensibly private, unedited videos and direct messages reveal a campaign to organize acts of racial hatred while indoctrinating teenagers into national socialism (Nazism). The information stands as a chilling reminder that fascist organizing thrives in secrecy and obscurity.

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