Saturday, 11 December 2021

“Happy Faces” Frowns – Stacey Abrams Related Employment Company Identified in Senator Perdue’s Fulton County Lawsuit


We reported that Stacey Abrams profited from the 2020 elections from her firm connected to employment company Happy Faces.  Now Happy Faces is listed in yesterday’s suit by former Senator David Perdue against Fulton County.

We previously reported that Stacey Abrams made millions in the 2020 Election.  Stacey Abrams, former Georgia State Rep, nonprofit czar, Hillary Clinton darling, and 2020 board member of John Podesta’s uber-powerful, “charitable” nonprofit, the Center for American Progress think tank, has been revealed by CD Media as being an owner of ‘NowAccount,’ the firm financing Happy Faces Personnel Group, the temp agency used in Fulton County, Georgia’s elections in November 2020 and January 2021.  We reported on her profiteering:

Abrams’s firm was used across the country in the 2020 Election.

We shared on June 25, 2021, that the hiring and training, and actions of the election workers in Atlanta and across the state of Georgia should be investigated for any wrongdoing in the 2020 Election.

Yesterday this recommendation was addressed.  In Senator David Perdue’s case against Fulton County individuals and entities, Happy Faces is noted in the case.  Here are the actions cited that were performed by individuals recruited by Happy Faces employment firm (42-45):


During the General Election, Happy Faces workers and Fulton County employees, staff, and independent contractors, worked at the English Street Warehouse and State Farm Arena processing, scanning, and tabulating absentee ballots.


From November 3, 2020 to November 4, 2020, several batches of absentee ballots were scanned multiple times, and those votes corrupt and erroneous totals were unlawfully included in the certified number of votes submitted by Fulton County to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office.


Additionally, about 161 batches of ballots representing approximately 16,000 ballots cast were withheld by Respondents from the certified results that were submitted to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office.


Thousands of unlawful counterfeit ballots were scanned, tabulated, and included in the certified total of votes submitted by Respondents to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office as established by the sworn testimony of Voyles and photographs of absentee ballots, which ballots show no creases or folds as would be required if the ballots had been placed inside absentee ballot envelopes and mailed. Respondents’ actions in this regard were ministerial.

(Reminder, Biden was awarded Georgia by around 12,000 votes.)

The entire filing is attached below:

It looks like Happy Faces may be frowning today.

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