Former President Donald Trump went on a rant in which he labelled journalists and the media 'corrupt, crooked, b*****ds' as he spoke to a crowd of hundreds at an event at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.
Trump spoke for more than 15 minutes to a group from Turning Point Action, a conservative organization founded by activist Charlie Kirk which is a right-of-center student organization that claims to have a presence on over 2,500 campuses.
During his rant he appeared to boast of his contribution to public mistrust in media.

Former President Donald Trump spoke at an event at Mar-a-Lago in which he called journalists a 'bunch of very dishonest, crooked b*****ds'
'The country is at a very important, dangerous place. We have no press. The press is so corrupt, we don't have a press' the former president ranted to those gathered at the event.
'If there's a story about us, about Republicans they make it a bad story. They make it the worst story,' adding journalists are 'crooked b*****ds' and 'the most dishonest group of people.'
The comments were met with peals of laughter from those who had gathered to listen.
Trump went on to boast of his 'tanking the approval ratings of the press' of which he said he was 'very proud'.

Trump went on to boast about being responsible for the press' approval ratings plummeting

The event was being held at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, pictured, in Palm Beach which he has owned since 1985
The former president said such approval ratings began to plummet from the moment he announced he was running in 2015.
'Right now, they [the press] have a lower approval rating than Congress,' Trump went on. 'So I'm very happy.'
During his seemingly impromptu speech, Trump warned that the country was veering towards communism 'if we don't get the press back in this country.'
While he was president, Trump continually attempted to sow distrust in the media and would routinely berate journalists either in person or over Twitter branding them as 'fake news' or the 'enemy of the people.'
Although Trump said that 95 per cent of the American public had confidence in the press in 2015, a report by Axios suggests such statistics are not correct
About four in 10 Americans had a 'fair amount' of trust and confidence in the media in a Gallup poll of 1,000 people at that time.

During his presidency, Trump continually attempted to sow distrust in the media and would routinely berate journalists either in person or over Twitter branding them as 'fake news' or the 'enemy of the people.'
Trump also went on to rant about how the election was rigged with 'hundreds of millions of mail-in ballots' counted more than once.
His repeated attempts to challenge President Biden's victory have proven unsuccessful.
Earlier in the clip, Trump could be seen criticizing the U.S. exit strategy from Afghanistan saying that he wanted to bring home all the American equipment instead of leaving it in the country.
'I said, the moment we get out, I want every nut, every bolt, every screw … we're taking everything,' Trump said.
He recounted a story in which General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told him it was cheaper to leave the equipment than to fly it back.
'That's when I realized he was a f*****g idiot!' Trump said to raucous laughter.
Trump alleged the U.S. left behind $85 billion of military equipment, although a fact check by the Associated Press found the figure to be inflated.
Although $85 billion figure is what the U.S. spent on developing Afghanistan since 2001 it includes everything from troop training, payroll, and other infrastructure costs over the two decade deployment.
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