Monday, 20 December 2021

CNN Closing Offices to Most Employees Over COVID


CNN is indefinitely closing its offices to any employees that are not required to work in person.

In an internal memo sent on Saturday and obtained by The Hill, CNN President Jeff Zucker said they would dramatically scale back the number of people allowed to work in person.

Zucker said that the move would protect people from COVID by having them work remotely, but “will also protect those who will be in the office by minimizing the number of people who are there.”

The Hill reports that employees who do need to work in person will need to wear masks at all times, unless they are eating, drinking, or in a room alone.

“We will also be making some changes to studios and control rooms we are using to help minimize the number of people in our spaces,” the memo said. “Show teams will hear more about this from their managers. Our newsgathering teams will be re-evaluating assignments and adjusting travel accordingly.”

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