The media, specifically the mainstream media, is in absolute desperation mode. I usually capitalize msm, but they no longer deserve respect or recognition. They are showing by their coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse saga in the post-trial chapter that they not only do not accept the jury’s decision but that Kyle Rittenhouse will be guilty and a white supremacist forever. Kyle is not safe as an innocent man because of the false narratives propagated by the msm. They have also decided that every Republican is a White Supremacist. Talk about painting with a broad brush.
To say I have no respect for anyone in the msm is an understatement. I am insulted to be lumped into a group they label as white supremacists because of my political leaning. These talking heads do not know me. They don’t know anything about my upbringing. They don’t know anything about the people I surround myself with. They are in no position to cast judgment on me, yet they have. This campaign by the msm is Hillary Clinton and her Deplorables on steroids. I detest them for what they are doing.

Choose your source. Joy Reid, Al Sharpton, Chris Cuomo, Joe & Mica, Rachel Maddow, Oprah Winfrey…they all work hard to overshadow each other. In so doing, they exposed themselves as race-baiting hacks who have no purpose any longer. Donald Trump made these people for four years. They had a common target to attack daily, and their brethren soaked it up like sacrificial wine. When their orchestrated false narratives about Russian Collusion fell apart, and their candidate was exposed as an aging politician who had fooled the Democrats for over 50 years, they were left with nothing to feed their ravenous following.

Now they have a new common victim in white supremacy. The problem for them is that they have overused the term/label so frequently that it has lost all meaning and relevance. If it is white on white, then distort the victims. Say it enough, and the public sees disadvantaged blacks oppressed by the superior thinking white. If it is a black-on-black crime, blame society for holding back the community so that the blacks have no option except violence. It is an ugly cycle that needs to be broken, but in reality, it is self-distrusting.
Maya Wiley of MSNBC went past the limits of her colleagues and put the blame on the judge. She accused the Judge of putting his fingers on the scale of justice. She said nothing of Joe Biden and Hakeem Jeffries calling out and offering their learned opinions that Kyle Rittenhouse was nothing more than a young boy who became a vigilante, crossed the state line, and came to Kenosha to wreak havoc and shoot blacks.
Their flock, the 36% who still approve of Joe Biden, suck up every word they utter as gospel. It may be fueling the divide but also hastening their demise. Their ratings plummet as their story grows old. There is a bottom to this storyline. The fact that they do not acknowledge their self-destruction ensures that they will continue to sow these racist elements of division in the hope that it may prolong their purpose and existence.
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